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"Can you tell me why we're driving to Busan?", Taehyung asked and was moving around on his seat.

He was worried and confused.

Jungkook had taken all things they need and was already driving to Busan, his home town.

"We just need to, or else something bad might happen and I don't want it.", he tried to sneak out himself from Taehyung's question but only got hit by Taehyung.

Jungkook grumbled and rubbed the back of his head smacking Taehyung's neck in response.

"Talk with me, Jungkook. I'm not a baby. What the fuck is going on?", Taehyung had raised his voice and held his red neck.

Jungkook sighed.

"Fine. Your father is in trouble because he hasn't payed someone and now the person, who wants his money wants to find your father and take his money."

Taehyung was like in relief. He leaned back.

"Ah, okay. I thought it's something serious.", he mumbled and Jungkook turned his head for a second a bit confused at Taehyung.

"What? You already knew?"

"No, it's just not the first time. I know him and I am not surprised."

Jungkook raised his brows and shrugged.

"Alright then."

"At least we can spend time at the beach."

"That's right."

They got there in four hours. It was 1pm and Taehyung had fallen asleep, head against the window and his knees pulled up.

Jungkook drove to the address given from his boss and found the house, that was like segregated from the city.

It was in one of the districts, that weren't that full and were more calm. The busy and noisy city was only one mile away from them and the high buildings could still be seen.

The pension was between other pensions and had a view to the beach.

Here were mostly tourists.

Jungkook parked outside and woke Taehyung up.

The pension wasn't as big as Taehyung's house but they still had segregated rooms, a kitchen, two bathrooms, living room, dining room and even an empty room for... Something?

It was of course kinda empty. There were fornitures but not many. At least there were beds, sofas, some shelves and a closet in each room. Ah there was also a desk.

Jungkook gave Taehyung the room with the desk and chair.

He didn't need it anyways.

The rest of the day, Taehyung didn't leave his room. Jungkook was wondering why.

Late afternoon, he knocked on Taehyung's door.

After a time, the door opened slowly and Taehyung peeked up, looking at Jungkook.


"Are you okay?"

Taehyung shrugged. He didn't seem really alright.

Jungkook came closer.

"Can I come in?"

Taehyung nodded and opened the door letting Jungkook in.

He had made himself something like a picnic on the floor, with a blanket, pillows, his laptop and phone, some pencil skatches and the cup of chocolate Jungkook had given him before.

At gunpoint | VkookWhere stories live. Discover now