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The next week or two went really fast in Taehyung's opinion. Every day he was getting closer and closer with Jungkook.

He kept his morning routine even tho he found it really annoying the first days. But Jungkook was very critical and sceptical. Taehyung slowly started to accept this.

Of course sometimes he had small fights with Jungkook but they both were seeing the world different. And the way both were raised also played a role.

Jungkook was disciplined since he's small, before he started with Taekwondo he was a basketball player. Taehyung also knew, that Jungkook's parents have been strict with him, sometimes too much but with the time, Jungkook has been starting to understand the punishments and accept them.

Once Taehyung spoke up in front of Jungkook and raised his head against him, raising his voice because of a disagreement with Jungkook's rules.

Of course that had to be the biggest mistake in Taehyung's life.

He was kinda afraid to stand up for himself, especially in front of Jungkook.

Jungkook didn't like the fact, that Taehyung tries to make him down but kept quiet.

The morning after the argument, he played it salty on Taehyung back.

While Taehyung showered, Jungkook didn't stop turning on the water and almost burned Taehyung even though, he yelled at his bodyguard to stop.

In the afternoon, Taehyung had to run two cilometers instead of two and Jungkook was watching him with sunglasses from the garden, having a drink.

And in the evening, Jungkook 'accidentally' spilled water on Taehyung's pants.

"That's not how it works, Jungkook!", Taehyung went on angrily and hit Jungkook's chest, who was trying to hold his grin back.

They didn't speak the next morning and there wasn't a daily routine. It was too quiet in the house.

And still, wherever Taehyung was going, wherever he was walking, Jungkook was always on his side and guarded him. He didn't miss even once picking up Taehyung from the university, no matter if they had a fight or not.

Taehyung was today out with Jungkook to shop for some summer clothes.

In the store, Taehyung found a pink shirt, that said "california". It was a men shirt, he even bought one for Jungkook, who was against it but however.

Two boys, maybe from high school, had passed by them and seeing Taehyung holding both pink shirts they didn't miss the chance to throw some not nice words at Taehyung.


"Some gay shit again here."

Jungkook felt furious in this moment. He was boiling in the inside. He hated people, judging others because of religion, sexuality or skin colour.

Well he didn't know if Taehyung was gay or not but that didn't matter. He was a human too.

And Jungkook still liked Taehyung a lot, he couldn't explain his feelings. He even had a dream with Taehyung, that confused him.

He walked over to the two boys, grabbed the shirt of the one, who started it and raised him maybe few centimeters from the ground.

"Segregation is ugly and nasty, and if you two don't leave right now I will break your jaw in half so this bullshit won't leave your mouth again. If you're lucky your two will end up only without fingers. Understood?"

Shocked and terrified, the boy nodded while shaking in Jungkook's grip and as Jungkook let him down, both ran away.

Taehyung had watched the whole situation and was shocked.

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