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"You're not weak because you talk about your feelings and you as yourself, as a person. It needs courage, many people hide it forever and let it eat them from the inside. It's fully normal, you're a human, you also need help, no matter how strong you are, even the strong ones need help, or else how do they succeed as being strong?"

Taehyung tried to sound encouraging.

Jungkook listened and bit his lip. It was so hard for him. But Taehyung's words made him think otherwise. There was something warm and nice in his voice and words.

Without looking at the brunette in front of him, Jungkook started talking as much as he could.

"When I became your bodyguard and... I live with you already two weeks... And oh well I started changing like... Uh... I am more calm and feel more relaxed... Not so stressed like before... When you help me cooking, I like enjoy it or when you show me something else or teach me, I enjoy your company and oh well... Yeah... I have never felt like this before... When a person changes my life so much... And my thinking... ", he stopped.

Maybe he said too much.

Taehyung was only, wow.

He never expected to feel and hear Jungkook's other side, the one hurt and lonely Jungkook, left in the shadows.

'That sounds too dramatic, Taehyung.'

He played with his hands and felt kinda flattered at Jungkook's words. They didn't sound sexistic in any way. He only felt kinda sorry for Jungkook.

He must be very lonely, he thought.

"if the changes aren't bad for you and you accept them, then let your heart lead you. Because in my opinion they're for good. It's not good to live in the shadow's, Jungkook. Everyone needs someone in his life. We're just like this and this isn't a weakness. Come out of this circle you've made for yourself, put that wall between you and others a bit down and let them help you stand up. "

Jungkook laughed out.

"Says who? Taehyung who doesn't want social contacts at all.", Jungkook mumbled and layed down curling up a bit.

That hit Taehyung a bit, but  Jungkook was partly right.

He layed down too and curled up too.

After a minute of silence he heard Jungkook again.

"Will you sleep here? I won't mind, that's why."

Taehyung smirked at how Jungkook was trying to cover up, that he just wanted Taehyung to stay.

"I'll stay here yeah. If you want to talk more, you can gladly do it. I'm here.", he said and closed his eyes.

This night they both slept on Jungkook's bed, even tho their heads were in different direction.

In the night, Jungkook woke up and had to remember what has happened the last night. It was dark and he could only see a figure in the other part of his bed and deep breaths.

Taehyung was sleeping tight.

Jungkook rubbed his eyes, and sighed. After a while he could recognise Taehyung's body parts like head, arms and legs.

He stood up and went to drink something. He didn't want to wake up Taehyung, so he came back in the room, picked up Taehyung carefully and layed his head on the pillow.

He then climbed on the bed and layed down behind Taehyung on his stomach, head turned to the left side where he could see Taehyung's mullet. He then closed his eyes because he was really tired and slowly fell asleep.

Taehyung opened his eyes as the first sun shines were stroking his face. He stretched himself and sighed in relief starting to remember what happened today.

Oh yeah, he fell asleep on Jungkook's bed... But he was...

Turned around?

Wheres Jungkook?

Maybe downstairs.

As he turned on his back to stretch more he scared a bit as he saw Jungkook behind him, sleeping peacefully.

"Oh, good morning to you too, Jungkook.", he quietly whispered and was watching the boy next to him.

The first sunlight, that fell on Jungkook's hair and face made him shine. Taehyung thought, that Jungkook was really handsome and... A pretty man.

Yes right, pretty man.

He turned around to Jungkook and couldn't hold himself to poke Jungkook's soft cheek, of course lightly. A smile appeared on his lips while watching Jungkook sleep.

Jungkook had beautiful features and looked like a baby while sleeping.

Then Taehyung stood up and carefully patted Jungkook's head. He wanted Jungkook's strong arms to be wrapped around his body.

'No Homo bro.', Taehyung thoight and only shook his head at this thought. He went downstairs to make breakfast.

It was 8am, and Jungkook was still sleeping? What a surprise.

He normally woke up around 6am.

Taehyung wanted to make some pancakes, he had watched his mother making them. It wasn't difficult.

But he couldn't reach the sugar after he had mixed some eggs in a bowl. He needed only few centimeters to reach it but the kitchen was super big.

Before he could jump to take it he heard a familiar voice behind him.

"You need help?"

Two hands held his waist and raised him a bit. Taehyung was surprised but took the sugar and he was put down.

He smiled then as he put the sugar in the bowl.

"Good morning to you too.", he said hearing Jungkook sit on the chair and yawn quietly.

"Is it good?", he asked and looked over at Taehyung, who had turned his back to him.

Taehyung put the eggs and sugar in a pan after mixing them and turned his head to Jungkook.

The boy was still looking at him, and then he looked away.

"Are you ready for school?"

"Today is Saturday, Jungkook."

Jungkook frowned.

"Oh. Really?"

Taehyung pulled out two plates from the shelf and turned the pancake around.

In this time, Jungkook's phone rang. He saw who it is: an unknown number.

His boss hadn't called him since few days, he wondered why. But he wasn't allowed to call the woman, only she called him.

"I'll be right back.", Jungkook said and stood up going outside in the garden. He picked up.

"Plan change. Taehyung's father is coming back today. Take Taehyung and drive to Busan. There's a special pension only for you, that I've payed."

Jungkook was confused.

"Why? I'm his bodyguard, I can't kidnap him from his father."

"Mr. Jeon, I have to clear things out with his father and he won't get his son back if he doesn't pay what I gave him back there. You go now. When we get him, you can leave his son somewhere or just do what you want."

Jungkook didn't like this idea at all. Jungkook knew, that something was wrong.

"What will you do with his father?", he asked now cold and serious. The last thing he wanted is Taehyung to be left alone and thrown away as a piece of trash.

There was some silence on the phone, before the woman spoke.

"I will get, what's mine."

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