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"What is this supposed to mean?", the woman asked, not sounding satisfied at all.

She put a newspaper in front of Jin, the first page showing two dead agents with blood under their head. The title was over the photo.

"Two Agents of Yoosun killed this morning. Is there a war between the mafias?"

Jin chuckled at the title and looked back at the woman. He didn't seem to be affected at all.

"What do you want, Yoosun?"


"Well then we both want the same thing. But because we all here are gentlemen, ladies first.", Sekjin said and took a cigarette, lighting it and blowing some smoke, looking at Yoosun.

Everyone was still with weapons pointed at each other.

Yoosun's eyes were darker now.

"What do you want to know?", she asked in a monoton voice, making Jin shake his head and pull out the cigarette from his mouth.

"Come on, dear. Don't act stupid. You're better than this."

Even the music was turned quiet so everyone could listen to the heavy breathing of the others. The atmosphere was nasty in the whole bar. Yoosun's presence was never good and made everyone  uncomfortable.

But Yoosun didn't want to say anything. It was obvious, that she was hiding something and Jin knew it.

"Okay, let me start. Why did you kill my man?", Seokjin then asked and crossed his fingers.

"He was threating one of my men."

"I don't believe this. He wasn't even in your territory. Did you know, that he had a wife and three children? Two boys and a newborn girl."

"He wasn't minding his own business.", the woman raised her voice, making Jin click his tongue.

"Okay, let's say that's partly true. Why would you kill a man, who works for me and has a wife and kids? That's not in your style, Yoosun. You never kill people who have kids, especially, kids. Something has changed your mind, I don't see another reason.", he said, making Yoosun bite her teeth together.

She was getting angry.

"The boy.", she suddenly spoke.

"What boy?"

"Kim Taehyung."

Seokjin raised his head and looked down at his fingers.

"What about him?"

"His father was an agent of the police and wanted to make his son also one.", she spoke, trying to calm down.

There was a short silence. Jimin, who was sitting on the table next to Jin and was maybe the only person without a weapon pulled his hands away from the table as he heard this.

Taehyung an agent?

And Taehyung was in this building right now.

What if he had used Jungkook the whole time?

Same thoughts flashed through Jin's mind but he decided to trust Jungkook this time.

"You don't have any proof, that the boy is also an agent. And I would recommend you to leave him and Jungkook alone, before more blood will flood. The accident today with both of them is enough, don't you think?", Seokjin coldly said but the woman came closer to the table.

"No. I want him to be killed. And you won't protect him."

"This here is my territory and I give out the laws so you have nothing to say.", Jin started raising his voice.

"Oh really? I won't allow you to protect him, understood?"

Yoosun put her hands on the table.

"You don't tell me what to do.", Jin said.

"Your mother didn't tell you what to do too and look what you've become."

But this sentence made everything change in only a second.

Jin jumped from the chair, flipping the table and walking towards Yoosun, but she pulled out her gun, leaning the top of it against his forehead.

Jin was furious. But he knew Yoosun only tried to provoke him so he held himself back.

"You don't know anything about my mother so shut your dirty mouth up you little slut.", he growled out.

A dirty smile appeared on Yoosun's lips.

"You never get offended so easily, Jinnie. What's wrong? Did I hit a sensitive spot?"

There was click, that made Yoosun look down, seeing that Jin had pointed a gun at her stomach, then she looked back up at him, her smile had disappeared and Jin had bitten his teeth, obviously holding his anger back.

"Get out of here."

This sentence said thousands of words. Nobody wanted this to end like this.

Yoosun put her gun down, turned around, her hair flipping and walked out of the bar with her men.

Jin put his gun away sitting down again slowly on his chair.

Meanwhile, Jungkook and Taehyung didn't know what had happened downstairs.

As Jungkook wanted to talk with Jin he only introduced Taehyung to him and his other members but nothing else since Jin had to go out because he was 'busy'.

Both had left the quarter and decided to spend the rest of the day outside of Seoul.

In Ilsan, near Namjoon's house, there was a place with ramps for skateboards and bikes.

Both had went there around evening because Taehyung wanted to learn inline skating.

Jungkook had bought two pairs and he helped Taehyung get up with these things on his feet.

After a while Taehyung kinda got it how to move and roll with them so he wanted to try out something.

Nobody else was there and the sun was going down.

He decided to slowly climb a ramp but that was a dumb idea since he fell down on the ramp, only his hands saving him from not breaking his nose.

Jungkook had seen what happened and quickly rolled over to Taehyung to see if he was alright but Taehyung was only laughing his ass off.

"Come on.", Jungkook said and pulled Taehyung up. They haven't spoken about the events today anymore.

Taehyung still laughed a bit and decided to roll with Jungkook together.

As he was about to fall on his ass this time, Jungkook catched him and pulled him up to himself.

Taehyung giggled and had leaned on Jungkook's chest, looking in his eyes.

Then he raised his head a bit as he had watched Jungkook's beautiful face for a while and did something Jungkook never expected.

He gently kissed Jungkook's soft cheek, whispering a quiet 'Thank you' and then he rolled away, leaving Jungkook stand there perplexed, like a thunder had just hit him.

Jungkook still felt Taehyung's nice warm lips on his left cheek and without noticing he carefully put his hand in the spot he received the kiss.

It was still a bit wet.

His stomach tensed. This feeling was new for him and he didn't know how to handle it.

Taehyung seemed happy at the moment. He whistled and rolled around, like he hadn't done something great a moment ago.

Jungkook's heart was also beating faster since Taehyung had kissed his cheek.

He looked down at his hand.

What was this boy doing with him?

At gunpoint | VkookWhere stories live. Discover now