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No... Jimin was smaller...

But he looked like a copy of Jimin...

Taehyung decided to follow the man. He just left the cart in the supermarket and followed him outside.

As the man turned around a bit, Taehyung stopped and took a step to the side, hiding behind a car that was on the car parc.

He was now outside the supermarket.

The man walked faster and disappeared behind some buildings, followed slowly by Taehyung.

But he kept a lot of distance, that's how Jungkook had teached him.

Unluckily, Taehyung lost the man as he walked in a smaller street, that had a big gate at the end and some trash containers.

Wait what?

Taehyung looked around, cursing now.

He walked out again of the street but couldn't find at first, where he came from. It was suddenly really quiet.

Maybe too quiet.

The blocks around weren't old, indeed, they looked really nice and there were trees, plants and a garden in front of every house or block.

He walked slowly through the street, looking around.

The man couldn't be far away, few seconds ago he was right here.

Taehyung turned around as he heard something shutter but it was only a woman, hanging the laundry on one of the balconies.

Soon he found the street he had came from and decided to go back to the supermarket.

Maybe it was for the good, that he had lost the man.

What if he was just hallucinating?

Taehyung found an empty playground on the end of the street and walked over to it.

He didn't really want to go back in this supermarket, he wanted to think about some things.

It wasn't good if he kept it deep inside.

There was a sand castle, a slide, swings and other things to climb on. But nobody around.

He looked around and decided to sit on one of the swings.

As he was about to do so, a woman with brown hair, a white jacket and white jeans entered the playground, looking directly at Taehyung.

He stopped immediately as he recognizer the woman.

After this, around him appeared other men with weapons, looking at him and not leaving him an exit, then, the man from before appeared next to the woman and pulled off his hood and face mask.

Damn, this person looked like Jimin but not exactly... Taehyung stepped back and looked around, getting slowly afraid.

Wasn't this drama over already?

What did they want from him?

He left the fucking Seoul and just lived his damn life...

"Nice to see you again, Taehyung.", the woman said and tilted her head.

Now Taehyung was alone and helpless.

He might get killed today from a crazy mafia woman.

Nobody would help him.

Not Jin, not Jimin, not Yoongi.

Not Jungkook.

Nobody cared about him.

At gunpoint | VkookWhere stories live. Discover now