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The boy grumbled annoyed and ran his fingers through his hair. He was sick.

Sick of his father's bullshit.

But he didn't have a choice, no he actually did but his father was rich and he would only make it worse.

'I have to move away already, I hate being in a house with him.', he thought to himself and at this moment, his father entered the living room looking at him.

"Your bodyguard is here, Taehyung. Stand up to greet him.", his father strictly said and fixed his red necktie, which went well with his blue suit.

Jungkook entered the room and Taehyung stood up making eye contact with Jungkook. They both stared at each other for a while, until Taehyung gave his hand to greet Jungkook.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Taehyung.", he introduced himself, trying to sound nice. Jungkook took his hand and shook it.

"I know. I'm your bodyguard Jungkook.", he responded and already knew, that Taehyung wasn't really impressed with this meeting.

Taehyung nodded and noticed, that Jungkook had brown eyes and dark brown hair, which made him look unique in a positive way. And still, he could see some coldness in Jungkooks eyes.

He fixed his own, brown hair, which was a bit lighter than Jungkook's, and cleared his throat.

Taehyung's father thanked Jungkook for taking care of his son and told Taehyung to show Jungkook the house and then spend time with each other because he had to go already.

Jungkook followed Taehyung as he started showing him the house.

It had three floors, each of them with one bedroom or more.

The third floor had only bedrooms and one bathroom. It was usually for guests, but Taehyung let Jungkook choose his room and Jungkook chose the biggest one.

"Then you're next to me.", Taehyung said and walked inside the room, next to which Jungkook had chosen.

"Destiny, huh?"



And with this Taehyung was shut.

Jungkook looked from the window and saw, that they had a nice garden behind the house with a wooden fence surrounding it and a little fence door leading to a small path for pedestrians, that was between other houses and gardens. It was a beautiful district.

And the weather was cool, almost no clouds were in the sky and the sun was already going down.

He turned around and eyed Taehyung, who was watching him all the time.

Taehyung wore black jeans with a black long sleeve shirt. It showed his shape and curves.

Now there was this awkward silence.

The silence was so intense, that it hurt both of their ears. It was just too quiet, so Jungkook opened the window, listening to the wind outside, to break this silence.

"If you want we can go for dinner now. It's ready.", Taehyung mumbled and left the room with Jungkook.

The feeling for both was strange. They didn't know each other and at the dinner table, nobody spoke. Jungkook kinda liked the potato soup and was first done, waiting patiently for Taehyung to finish.

After dinner, Taehyung washed the plates and decided to go for a walk with Jungkook.

They were walking this quiet small path that was between the houses. The sky was dark blue and the air was fresh. The two boys walked slowly next to each other until Jungkook tried to start a conversation now.

"What's your daily routine?", he asked.

"Daily routine? It's boring. I wake up, eat something, have like 50 hours of saxophone lessons, now not anymore, my private school already ended, then I usually go to all my father's meetings and if not, I go to the basketball place and play with three other in my age, if they're free because they go to university and I don't. Then I go back home and have free time I guess and play the whole evening or night video games."

Jungkook was a bit surprised.

"You don't go to university?"

Taehyung shook his head.

"After my graduation, I started working for my father's company and I never had time for anything. He said I'll be after him and continue his business."

"But I guess you have other dreams."


"What kind of ones?"

"I want to be a photographer, make video edits, film movies, or TV."

Jungkook imagined Taehyung holding the heavy TV camera, filming some cringe Korean show or Korean Drama.

"What about you?", Taehyung asked.

"What exactly do you want to know?"

"Daily routine, graduation, dreams?"

Jungkook furrowed his brows due to the wind blowing in his face. He wasn't allowed to tell too much information about himself.

"High school graduation, a red belt in Taekwondo, practicing since I'm 16, now your bodyguard."

Taehyung was listening and wondered, that Jungkook didn't say much. But he already knew, that he won't share so much. So he carefully asked another question, hoping it won't upset or make Jungkook mad.

"What about your parents?"

Jungkook somehow expected that the question might come from the other. Some humans were really curious about the life of others but never about their own ones.

"Not much contact.", Jungkook simply said, making Taehyung understand, that this topic is over.

The brunette next to him understood and didn't ask him more.

They walked for like an hour and then got home from the garden door. It was already 8 pm.

Jungkook washed his hands after he had taken off his sakko and was only with his white long sleeve shirt and the necktie. He looked at himself in the mirror and noticed, that he didn't shave for a while. Taehyung's face was the opposite: shaved pretty well.

He was thinking about this strange day.

From now on he was a bodyguard and a spy. But he didn't know what to do with the boy after the woman from yesterday finds his father. He didn't seem to have siblings or a mother.

The house was lonely and empty.

He could think about this later. Now he had to go to bed.

In his room, Jungkook had unpacked his things and was checking up his weapon: a medium black G20 Gen4 with a 10mm caliber.

He put the patrons inside and put the gun on the night shelf next to his bed after securing the weapon.

Now his adventure had begun.


I promise the chapters won't be this boring lol.

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