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"Come on, Taehyung. We have to leave right now."

Jungkook took his jacket, payed the barman the three drinks and Taehyung stood up confused.

"Wait what? We just came here Jungkook!", he said and also took his jacket looking for Jimin, but Jungkook already left the bar.

Jimin came out of the WC and only made a hand move to Taehyung, that he should go.

Had Jungkook have a fight with Jimin or what?

Taehyung kept again his mouth shut, but he shouldn't.

And he did anyways.

Jungkook was mysterious and he knew, that he really disliked questions and he wasn't in the mood to argue with him.

So he followed him.

Later evening they arrived in Seoul, but Jungkook drove to a little town near Seoul.

If they wanted to be hidden, Seoul wasn't a good idea.

They had packed again all their things and needed around five hours in the car.

Both didn't speak much. Taehyung just did, what Jungkook told him to.

"Where are we, Jungkook?", he asked as Jungkook stopped in front of a small house, next to a hostel.

"In Ilsan. We'll stay here for a while, don't worry."

Jungkook stopped the motor and turned then to Taehyung.

"I know you might have a lot of questions right now and you feel uncomfortable but I can't answer them yet, because I also need answers. Seems like the person, who wanted your dad wanted more than just money.", Jungkook explained and Taehyung furrowed brows.

More? What more?

"Where's my father?", Taehyung asked in a dark voice.

"We have to go no—", but Jungkook was interrupted by Taehyungs deep voice.

"Where. The. Fuck. Is. My. Father. Jungkook?"

Jungkook hit the steering wheel with his fist hard.

He was angry. But Taehyung was too.

"For God's sake, your father is dead. He was killed this morning! Are we done?!", he yelled and got out of the car shutting the door.

As he was about to open Taehyung's door, Taehyung locked the car from the inside.

Jungkook knocked on the window telling him to go out but Taehyung didnt react. He was just starring in one point.

Jungkook shook his head and walked over to the house and pressed the bell.

After a while a blonde, tall man in a light brown longsleeve shirt came out and looked at Jungkook.

"Oh? Jungkook? What are you doing here? I thought you-", he begun but Jungkook stopped him.

"It's complicated. I need somewhere to stay for a while because things went wrong. I think we're followed. Is it okay if we stay here?"

The man blinked few times and relaxed then.

Jungkook looked kinda exhausted and worried at him.

"Please Namjoon."

The blonde man looked back for a second and then at the car behind Jungkook.

"Who is he?"

"The person I guard."

Namjoon nodded and stepped back.

At gunpoint | VkookWhere stories live. Discover now