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A young boy jumped out of the car and started running away.

"HEY!", Jungkook called out, coming to himself, he saw, that Taehyung was still moving so he quickly ran after the boy.

He climbed on one of the parked cars and jumped on the boy falling with him.

Jungkook held him down on the ground, his gun on the boy's head.

"Only try it and I will hole your head.", he growled deeply at the boy, making him stand up.

He kept the weapon against the boy's head, who raised his hands. The boy was younger than Jungkook and seemed afraid.

He wasn't even full Korean...

"Come on, walk.", Jungkook told him and the boy followed his order, his hands shaking.

Jungkook opened his car and pushed the boy brutally inside shutting the door.

He then ran to Taehyung to take him.

Jungkook drove Taehyung to the hospital in Seoul but since the doctors told him to come later he drove the boy to Jin.

He was angry and worried.

Why don't they just leave Taehyung alone?

Jungkook pushed the boy on a chair in the middle of an empty room, that had only one light. Yoongi, Xiumin and Baekhyun were standing there, looking at the boy. Jungkook walked around him with the gun in his hand.

"Who do you work for?", he asked the boy in a cold tone.

The brown haired boy was breathing faster. He was rather really afaird or a very good actor, Jungkook thought.

"I-I don't know... I...", he started stuttering that made Jungkook only furious.

He grabbed the boy's shirt, yelling at him now.


The boy shut his eyes, holding Jungkook's fists, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"Y-yes... Yes but please don't tell them I'm here... They will kill me please!", he started begging Jungkook almost under tears.

Jungkook's gaze wasn't that angry anymore, he let the boy go, who sank his head and started sniffling.

After this, Jin appeared on the door together with Sehun. Both had black jeans and black jackets on.

"What is going on here, Jungkook?", Jin asked and Jungkook told him everything.

Jin looked over to the boy, that had tears in his eyes. He came closer to him, scanning him.

So Yoosun was forcing now innocent teenager boys to do her dirty work?

He kinda knew, that the boy wasn't one of her men.

He shook his head and was about to leave.

But Jungkook didn't understand.

"Are you serious? Taehyung is laying now in hospital because of this asshole and you're just leaving?!"

Jin turned around and walked to Jungkook, stopping in front of him. Now he was angry too and even tho his voice was quiet, Jungkook could feel his anger.

"What do you want me to do, Jungkook, hm? To kill him? To kill Yoosun? Would that change anything? It's obvious, that the boy was forced to do her job and that's in other words disgusting, but I don't have power over this."

Jungkooks was looking in Jin's eyes, he couldn't stop remembering the terrible scene in front of his eyes, that made him only more hurt.

"Taehyung could have died.", he now said.

"But he isn't dead, right?"

Jungkook didn't answer this. He knew Jin was right.

Jin was looking at Jungkook now kinda hopeless.

"If you haven't noticed, the war has begun already. Everyone from the mafia is in danger to lose someone, not only you. I can't protect you and Taehyung forever, not even Namjoon can. Now collect your shit together, go to the hospital and stay on Taehyung's side if you love him."

Jungkook was perplexed, as Jin had spoken out the last sentence.

That made him realise something he'd never express, not even himself.

Jin looked a while at Jungkook but not angry, he felt kinda sorry for Jungkook, his eyes were more soft.

Then he turned around and left the room together with Xiumin.

Jungkook looked over to Sehun, who also looked at him and followed Jin then.

What was he just doing?

His anger was controlling him and made him do mistakes, that could be dangerous not only for him but also for the others around him.

Taehyung had showed him another side of the life and now with all his pain and anger from his past he was letting it out by doing big mistakes.

Jungkook looked over to the boy, who was looking down, some tears drying on his cheeks.

He didn't look at Jungkook, he was starring in one point.

"What's your name?", Jungkook asked him, making the boy look up.

He gulped.

"Huening Kai."

"And you're not full Korean?"

"I'm... Half korean half hawaiian..."

Jungkook nodded and sighed. He felt sorry for what he did to him.

Now he had to go to Taehyung.

He drove to the hospital, telling his name to one of the doctors.

"And you're his...?"

"Cousin.", Jungkook quickly said, making the woman scan him carefully and nod slowly.

"Oh yeah... Cousin... Room 143 third floor."

Jungkook walked to the room but waited a bit before he entered it.

He then stepped in, hearing the pipes of Taehtung's heartbeat from the monitor.

Taehyung was laying on the bed with closed eyes.

Jungkook closed the door, took quietly a chair and slowly sat down, watching the sleeping Taehyung.

This poor boy.

Jungkook remembered, that his mother once told him, that if you talk with people, who have lost awareness, they hear you even if the can't move and that also motivates them to live.

He shrugged at himself, and clapped quietly with his hands.

"Well... Hello, Taehyung. It's me, your bodyguard Jungkook...", he started, skratching his head.

"I'm sorry, that you couldn't take a photo of this beautiful rainbow today and... Oh well I hope you spent your day nice with me. I hope you... Will wake up soon... I was at home before I came here to... Take your things", Jungkook looked at the bag next to himself "The house is really empty and quiet without you, I miss you.", he finished and sighed.

Taehyung haven't moved or open his eyes but Jungkook believed, that he was listening to him.

Then he took his hand, patting it and smiling to himself.

"How can someone cause such an amazing person like you this...?", he then asked Taehyung or himself, looking out of the window.

There were again clouds and it was already kinda dark.

At gunpoint | VkookWhere stories live. Discover now