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Suddenly a trumpet noise woke up Jungkook, who thought that he was dreaming, so he kept laying. But the trumpet continued playing some wrong but loud notes and Jungkook opened his eyes, raising his head sleepily.

It was still dark outside and he couldn't recognize at first anything in the room. The trumpet sound came from the room next to him.

He was under his blanket, only with some shorts and shirtless.

The trumpet sound got louder and Jungkook rubbed his face looking at the clock on his night shelf.

2 am?!

This dude was crazy.

Jungkook groaned in annoyance and stood up, pulling on a shirt, walking out of the room. It was still dark also in the corridor, he walked to the room next to him where the trumpet sound came from.

First, he knocked, then he opened the door coming in, the light inside blinding him for a second so he narrowed his eyes, seeing Taehyung sitting on a chair with a trumpet in his hand and around him on the ground were sheets with notes from songs?

His room was messy and everywhere were clothes, books, and pencils, photos, his bed was messy... 

Basically, his room looked as if a tornado had just passed.

Even his saxophone was on the ground.

Taehyung stopped playing (or trying to play) the trumpet and glanced up at Jungkook.

The bodyguard blinked a few times and looked around, then again at the other male.


"Weren't you playing the saxophone?", Jungkook mumbled and stretched himself a bit, letting his neck and knuckles crack.

Taehyung frowned as he heard the cracking sounds.

"Yeah, the trumpet is from my brother. I was just bored and tried it out."

"At 2 am?"


"Did you even sleep?"

"Maybe an hour."

Jungkook let out a quiet sigh.

"Go to bed. We have to clear things out in a few hours.", he said and made Taehyung understand, that there wasn't the option 'no', so he nodded.

Jungkook left his room and went again to sleep. He felt as if he was a dad, telling his son to go to bed.

At exactly 5 am, the bodyguard opened Taehyung's door and came in, blowing the trumpet loudly.

Taehyung jumped from his bed, taking a deep breath of shock, looking scared at his bodyguard. He was in his pajama.

Jungkook put the trumpet away and turned the light on.

"Time for the morning routine.", he stated and Taehyung grabbed his clock to check the time.

"Are you serious?! It's 5 am!", he whisper-yelled at Jungkook, visibly pissed at Jungkook, who tilted his head.

"Is it normal to play the trumpet at 2 am?", he asked and Taehyung knew he was defeated.

Jungkook didn't look like a bodyguard right now. He had black puma shorts and a black puma t-shirt.

He let Taehyung eat something before he gave the male sports clothes and led him outside. The sun was going up, birds chirping.

It was the end of spring anyways so it was neither too warm nor too cold. It was perfect.

Taehyung was forced to run with Jungkook two miles on the small street between two big wheat fields, that were surrounding them. Mountains and hills stretched out in the wide and the actual metropolis was in the other direction.

Jungkook completed the little marathon like a game, but Taehyung was already breathing heavily after 500 meters and didn't even run anymore but tried to survive.

Jungkook didn't let anything distract him until he made his two miles back in front of the neighbor's house from Taehyung.

With hands on his waist, he waited for the loser to come and had sweat spots under his arms and on his chest and back.

As Taehyung reached him, he fell to his knees, trying to breathe and put his head down, gasping for air.

"What? Two miles were so hard for you?", the bodyguard asked and looked down at the almost dying Taehyung.

But all the other did, was to show weakly his middle finger to Jungkook.

The man shook his head and grabbed Taehyung's arm, making him stand up.

"Go and shower.", he said and Taehyung walked tiredly and slowly back home.

His 'PE teacher' stayed for a while there, looking around and enjoying the fresh morning, watching the quiet, endless fields. Jungkook truly adored the countryside.

As he was home, Taehyung was already showering and Jungkook showered in the other bathroom quickly, of course, being the first. He put on grey sweatpants and a grey t-shirt.

Taehyung came downstairs, showered and dressed up, drying his hair with a towel and as he saw Jungkook he widened his eyes in confusion.

"What the he-"

"You're too slow. We're going now upstairs in your room.", Jungkook interrupted the other and passed by him.

The son of the businessman had to clean his room under Jungkook's gaze and the kitchen.

"Learn to respect your music instrument and not only your music instrument but your stuff in general.", he advised Taehyung, who was putting the last t.shirts in his wardrobe after folding them.

His room was so clean, that it could blind someone.

"Now what? You're supposed to be my bodyguard and not my second father.", Taehyung brought out a bit annoyed and was about to leave the room as Jungkook stopped him and made him look at him.

"Watch your language.", he warned him and let the other male go.

The bodyguard had to phone his father and also his boss so he was outside in the garden. It was already 11 am.

"I don't know if it's a good idea to lead him outside and make him talk with people. I heard he isn't social at all.", the woman said on the phone and Jungkook came to an idea.

"Does he really not go to a university?", Jungkook asked and there was a short silence.

"He told you this?"


"He's a good liar. He goes to the Seoul University of Arts and it's his second year. He's just a real introvert and due to problems with being social with others, he usually doesn't go to school but he doesn't care because he's rich and nobody can kick him out."

Jungkook was surprised once again. 

"How do you know this? ", he asked the woman.

"My men found the information today from his father."

After he hung up, Jungkook looked for the other. The man looked through the whole house until he opened one of the other bedrooms and froze in his place at the... hilarious sight.

Taehyung was sitting on the ground with porn running on his phone and was giving himself a hand job.

As he noticed Jungkook, Taehyung widened his eyes but couldn't hold back a moan.


At gunpoint | VkookWhere stories live. Discover now