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Taehyung got out of the building annoyed and tired. He just wanted to die.

He was slowly sick of what was happening.

But as he saw Jungkook waiting downstairs for him and looking at him, a smile appeared on his lips and he felt better.

Wow, what energy this boy had on Taehyung.

The sun was still high in the sky and it made Jungkook's hair shine.

Taehyung walked down the stairs with other students hurrying to Junglook and stopping in front of Jungkook.

He noticed, that Jungkook was different. He wasn't that cold anymore, he felt some warmth.

"Was it this bad?", Jungkook asked and Taehyung actually shook his head.

"Now everything is alright.", he answered and walked with Jungkook to the car.

At home, Jungkook had prepared food and they both ate. On the table there was for the first time a real conversation between them.

Taehyung mostly talked but Jungkook was also talking more than usual.

They talked about cars and about nice childhood moments, they talked what sports they like and Taehyung was still impressed from Jungkook.

"I always liked Taekwondo and Karate and Kung Fu and those kinds of sports. It always seemed cool to me and as I was small I always wanted to be a fighter when I grow up."

He even made some silly moves with his hands and Jungkook had a small smirk on his lips.

After this, Taehyung washed the dishes and Jungkook was looking at his phone. He had a message from his boss and answered.

Then he stood up and wanted to take himself a glass as Taehyung turned up and stopped im front of Jungkook.

Both boys stopped and looked at each other for a while. Taehyung felt how he got some goosebumps as he was so close to Jungkook.

Both looked away a bit shy and everyone went back on their work...

Jungkook woke up as he heard someone screaming. He jumped off the bed a one thought flashing through his mind.


Without hesitating he took his weapon from the shelf and ran to Taehyungs room opening the door ready to use it.

But...there was nobody.

Jungkook switched on the light and saw Taehyung half rolled in the blanket, shaking a bit.

"Taehyung?", Jungkook asked and was still holding the gun.

Taehyung saw the gun a blinked.

"There's a giant insect over there.", he pointed to the wall and Jungkook saw a... Bee? No it was too big for a bee... It was twice bigger than one!

Jungkook sighed in relief and out the gun down.

"You serious?"

"This is not a bee, Jungkook. It's too big for one... I've seen some like this before... They can poisen you."

But Taehyung was right. It didn't seem innocent at all, but Jungkook didn't remember seeing such a thing.

He came closer and looked at the insect.

What the hell? It was as big as Jungkook's thumb.

Even Jungkook was a bit worried now.

He pulled out his phone and searched in Google.

At gunpoint | VkookWhere stories live. Discover now