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Warning, long chapter


Jungkook had spent the whole evening and night in the hospital, Namjoon was also there for a bit to leave some flowers but he had to work.

The nurse told Jungkook, that Taehyung is alright and that he wasn't hit that hard. But now it was up to Taehyung, if he wanted to wake up. She said, that because of the shock Taehyung's brain had shut off for a second and that he's still in this kind of shock.

Jungkook knew, that such things can cause problems to a human such as heart attack or some organs can stop working.

He had fallen asleep, sitting next to Taehyung's bed, his head on the bed and his hand holding Taehyung's.

Around 7am, Taehyung opened his eyes, looking around.

He felt a strange warmth on his hand and looked down, seeing a familiar, sleeping face on the bed.

Now he also felt some pain in his back, frowning and sighing quietly in pain.

He couldn't move a lot at first.

That's why he lightly tried to move his fingers and succeed. Then gently squeezed Jungkook's hand, now holding back his hand.

Jungkook felt suddenly a hand holding his's, opened his eyes and raised his head looking at Taehyung, his eyes meeting Taehyung's.

His heart started beating faster as he saw Taehyung and he was fully awake in just a second.

"Taehyung! You're awake!", he said and sat now up, making Taehyung smile at him.

Jungkook looked down at their hands, blushing now a bit realising, that they were actually holding hands.

"Good morning to you too, Jungkook.", Taehyung brought out quietly and weakly.

Jungkook looked again at brunette and couldn't hold back a smile.

Taehyung liked it, when Jungkook was smiling and chuckled. "You should smile more often, Jungkook."

Taehyung had to stay another day in hospital for control. He could walk and eat again but Taehyung was often really tired and sleepy. The doctor had said, this is normal and he should sleep and rest more.

Jungkook was all the time on Taehyung's side, he went only once home to change clothes, bring some and shower.

He ate with Taehyung, walked with him around and when Taehyung was resting, Jungkook was reading to him from a book, that Taehyung liked.

Taehyung relaxed a lot while listening to Jungkook reading.

On the second day, Taehyung could go back home and Jungkook was happy.

While driving home, Taehyung was thinking about the moment after he was hit.

Should he tell Jungkook, what exactly happened?



"You know...", Taehyung started a bit unsure. "I don't know what you did with the boy, who hit me and I think I don't want to know but you have to know something."

Jungkook was confused.

"What is it?"

Taehyung sighed.

"If he was someone from this mafia Yoosun or something like this, he'd have hit me harder. But he actually was about to stop as he hit me. Yes... I lost awareness after few seconds, but before I did... He ran to me, kneed down and even tho it was all blurry and I was almost deaf, he told me something and this was the last thing I heard and remembered. "

At gunpoint | VkookWhere stories live. Discover now