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Taehyung couldn't hold himself back anymore.

He growled out and threw himself on Jin.

Both fell on the floor and Taehyung started punching Jin again and again.

But he was pulled away by Yoongi and Xiumin who yelled at him.

They got him on his feet, holding his arms. But Taehyung didn't care. He was furious.

"What did you tell him?!?!?! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU TELL HIM?!?!", he yelled at Jin but got a punch in the stomach from Yoongi.

He coughed in pain, fell on his knees and sank his head, shutting his eyes.

Jin needed few seconds to realise, what just happened, he stood up slowly, wiping some blood off from his nose. Then he looked at Taehyung.

Taehyung opened his eyes again and breathed out.

He felt dizzy, everything was spinning.

He could imagine what Jin could have told Jungkook about him.
He raised his head to Jin, biting his teeth together.

"What did you tell him...", he brought out weakly. Jin stared few seconds at him, then he just turned around and left.

In the meantime, some people from the tables around were watching the scenario, some even had their guns in their hands.

Namjoon had picked up Taehyung from the bar with his own car, bringing him home since Jin had called him.

Both didn't speak at all.

Yoongi and Xiumin had to throw Taehyung out of the bar or beat him up for what he did but they didn't. And Jin kept quiet.

He started feeling a bit guilty but didn't show it, remaining cold.

At Namjoon's house, Taehyung was sitting on the floor in his room, not talking, not moving, only staring in one point.

His brain was working slower and confused his whole body. Thoughts and memories came up to his mind.

He felt some pain on the back of his head. That was the place on wich he fell down as he was hit by the car.

He didn't know what's happening.

Or his brain didn't want to believe it.

Jungkook was gone.

Jungkook wasn't the same Jungkook.

He only saw the shadow of his father.

A dark, freezing your veins shadow.

Jungkook disappeared in just a second.

He didn't even look at Taehyung.

He passed by him like he was invisible.

Suddenly someone knocked, but Taehyung had now power to move.

Namjoon came in the room and looked down at Taehyung, walking over to him.

He sat down next to him, seeing that Taehyung wasn't okay at all, mentally and physically.

Namjoon didn't know exactly what happened, but he knew, what he needed to know.

He wasn't even surprised, that this hit Taehyung so hard.

It was so obvious, that Taehyung had Jungkook close to his heart. It was even visible from Jungkook, that he likes Taehyung a lot.

Jungkook was another person since he met Taehyung.

At gunpoint | VkookWhere stories live. Discover now