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Sora fell onto her bed face first. She took a deep breath and then screamed into her pillow.

"Girl, calm down. I don't care if your grades are low, I'm trying to watch a MV here."

"Jina, I don't care about your oppas, just let me die alone in peace." Jina slammed her hand down on her desk.

"Sora, you don't understand, they just debuted and their amazing! Just listen!" Jina clicked play on a song and the sound of high male voice filled the room. When it ended, Jina looked at her expectantly. "Well?"

Sora liked the song, but because she was petty, she didn't tell Jina that. "Eh. It was ok."

"Ok? Ok! Girl, these guys will be the rookies of the year, just watch!"

"Ok and? That doesn't affect me." Sora sat up. "I'm going to the cafe. Bye." Jina huffed and didn't say anything. Sora didn't expect anything and Jina provided. The Yoon siblings were notorious for holding grudges.

As Sora was walking, her soulmate, who apparantly had bad timing, decided to contact her. "Hello soulmate," he singsonged. Sora scoffed.

"How are you in such a good mood?"

"How are you not? Hey are you walking? No walking and soul facetimeing."

"Excuse you, this whole thing was your idea and yes, I am walking."

"You sassy hoe."

"When I finally meet you, I'm gonna say something really rude."

"Oh but it says here on my arm, ahem-" he suddenly stopped.

"What?" Silence.

"Actually, I don't think they let me say my soulmate tattoo here." Sora burst out laughing, startling serveral people who were walking around her. She must have looked crazy to everyone but she didn't care.

"You sir, are an idiot."

"But I'm your idiot." Sora stopped laughing.

"Don't." She swiftly shut the connection down. She just stood there, in the middle of the sidewalk, a 19 year old girl, scared of her own soulmate. She was a coward. "I'm sorry you were fated to love me," she whispered. "I'm sorry that I ended up this way.

She hurried to the cafe, intent on drowning her regret in the death of pixelated characters. Maybe even late night coffee. And so that's what she did. She aggressively clicked her way through level after level all night.

She blasted Don't Need Your Love through her headphones while she did so. And though tears were streaming down her face, she told herself that she was fine.

It was early the next morning when Sora went home. She didn't talk to anyone. She just went upstairs and slipped underneath the covers in her room, pretending that she hadn't stayed up until 3 am.

She rolled over and stared at her wall. 'I wish life was different. I wish love was real. But sometimes even fate makes mistakes.' Sora didn't want her soulmate. She thought he was hilarious, and she understood why he was hers.

She didn't love him, she told herself. 'I can't, I won't'. Sora was sorry for her soulmate. Sorry that he got her, a useless girl who didn't believe in destiny.

This double update is brought to you by Ateez's comeback

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This double update is brought to you by Ateez's comeback.

Until next time!

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