Spider in the bathroom!

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Peter was just washing his hands in the school restrooms when the lockdown alarm sounded. He knew the drill- he retreated back into a cubicle, locked the door, and sat down on top of the seat, knees hugged to his chest. He pressed his hands over his ears to try to block out the high pitched noise, but it made no difference to his dialled up senses. He knew that if it didn't stop soon, Peter would go into a full sensory overload. Outside the window, he could hear shouting, and doors banging- it must be the real thing. The school needed Spiderman, but Peter's suit was in his bag in the classroom, and he couldn't get back. He'd have to find some other way.

Then, a gunshot sounded, followed by the sound of shattering glass. A bullet shot through the small window by the roof of the cubicle, and flew across the room to embed itself in the opposite room. Peter bolted to his feet to avoid being hit by too much of the broken glass.

And then, an honest to goodness grappling hook came flying through the window, and latched onto the windowsill. Peter's hiding spot had been compromised, so he unlocked the cubicle and looked wildly around the room. His eyes caught sight of the wonky panel underneath the sinks. This was it. As the sounds of people beginning to climb up the rope attached to the grappling hook filled Peter's ears, he pulled the panel clean off the wall, exposing the pipework under the sinks. He climbed into the tight space, and pulled the panel closed, sealing himself into darkness. A quick tap of his wrists had his webshooters forming, and he webbed the panel so that it wouldn't slip. A corner of the panel about 3" by 3" was broken off, so Peter had to hope that the people wouldn't see him.

Speak of the devil, there was a thump as the first intruder landed and came out of the cubicle. In total, there were 6 - 4 men and 2 women. He watched through the crack whilst they checked they were alone, ducking out of view when they came past him. The sudden movement, however, stirred up years' worth of dust and Peter had the sudden urge to sneeze. The dust now swirling around the cramped space made his eyes water, and he couldn't stop it. He sneezed.

The intruders in the bathroom stopped distributing weapons and looked up towards Peter's hiding place. He tried not to move or breathe, but they started prowling towards him. Then inspiration struck. If he rattled the pipes, maybe they would think it was just the plumbing. Unfortunately, he forgot about his super strength, and ended up yanking the pipe out of its sockets, spraying water all over himself. It was now or never. Peter aimed his wrist and shot a web at the ankles of the tallest intruder. They stumbled, and toppled over into one of their friends, and they all went over like dominoes. The distraction gave Peter a chance to climb out of under the sinks and attack whilst they were off their guard. He webbed most of the weapons to himself, but one woman still had a handgun, which she proceeded to shoot at him. He started bouncing madly around the room to avoid the bullets, landing briefly on the ceiling to web another guy's hands together, then flipping over to land behind the woman with the gun and webbing her to the wall just as she shot at the ceiling, Screams were heard from the classroom above. Peter snatched the gun out of her hands and webbed it into the corner with the other weapons. He dodged a punch from one of the men, and kicked his legs from under him, webbing him up once he was on the floor. He re-webbed the first guy who was struggling to release his ankles, and did the same to another guy who was trying to crawl out the window.

The second woman watched motionlessly whilst he dealt with the last man, and when Peter turned to her, she held up her hands and backed into the corner. Peter looked quickly around the room to check he had all of them, and his Spidey sense flared up so quickly that he didn't even have time to duck as the paper towel dispenser flew past him, hitting his head so hard he blacked out for a second. When his vision returned, it was to the unwelcome sight of the woman sprinting towards him with a knife from the weapons pile. He jumped onto the ceiling a second before impact and webbed the woman's hand holding the knife as she ran under him. Her hand stayed still but her legs kept running, causing her momentum to flip her onto her back. The impact when her head hit the floor rendered her unconscious. Peter swayed slightly, his head spinning from his injury. He only just managed to sloppily web up the woman before he fell off the ceiling, unconscious too.

Peter woke slowly to the sound of sirens. Then he woke up very quickly. If the police got the criminals to talk, they would reveal his identity, and then-
Peter caught his reflection in the mirror. He was unrecognisable. The dust and dirt under the sinks had coated his skin in grime, making it appear several shades darker. The water from when the pipe burst made his hair look oily and black. Footsteps sounded on the steps, and he got back into the area under the sinks. The eyes of the conscious criminals followed him, but they were all gagged with web.

When the police arrived, they checked around the room for witnesses or wounded. The criminals gave muffled screams and pointed to the sinks, catching the attention of the officers. Peter, realising what was about to happen, hastily wiped his face to clear it, and deactivated his webshooters. When the police pried off the panel, all they saw was a boy cowering in the dirt, his hands covering his face and a burst pipe dripping onto his hair.
"C'mon kid, you're safe now."
Peter shook his head, still covering his face. "They're still there."
"Okay kid, you stay here whilst we take them away."
Peter had his reasons. The criminals would probably describe the boy they saw, and say that he went into the sinks, but their description wouldn't match Peters actual face, as long as they didn't get to see it now. So he waited until all the criminals were gone before making up a description of what happened to tell the nice policewoman. "And then Spider-Man came through the broken window and grabbed their weapons, and I was too scared to watch and then it was all quiet and they were on the floor and he was gone," Peter improvised.
"Okay honey, you can go back to your class now. Thank you for telling us."

When Peter got back to his classroom, everyone turned to look at him.
"Oh my gosh, Peter! Is your head okay?" He had forgotten all about the bruise, which stung when he raised his hand to the tender patch.
"Uh, yeah. I was hiding under the sinks in the bathroom, and I hit my head on a pipe. It looks worse than it is, it'll be gone tomorrow."
Pacified, the teacher continued with the lesson.

The next day, the attempted attack on Midtown High was all over the news. The attackers claimed that they had seen Spiderman without the mask, and an official artist had drawn an interpretation of their description.
It looked so much like Flash that he announced that he was Spider-Man. And, even though he had been in the classroom with the rest of the class during the attack, most of the school believed him.
Peter didn't mind. He was pretty sure that Flash would be outed soon, and for the meantime, his identity was safe, and so was everyone else.

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