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I stared at him as I wrapped my hands and legs around his body. It was the morning, and another day spent in Birmingham. Tommy was asleep, his eyes shut and his mouth slightly parted. He was shirtless, I was in my nightgown that was all the way up to my belly button.

I pulled him into me, brushing my leg over his torso to really get a good cuddle in. I've been needy the past couple of days, and more importantly, feeling more like myself.

I gasped feeling his intriguing length brush against my leg. He wore nothing but briefs in bed. Shifting awkwardly, I shuddered as he woke up, tightening his arms around me.

"Morning," He coos.

I look up at him and blush. "Morning."

Tommy kisses my forehead, and I cuddle into his neck. "How'd you sleep?"

He hums, "Good. You?"

"Really well.."

He states, "Hey, I love you so much."

I reached for him, pressing our foreheads together, "I love you too."

He kisses me again, sweetly, passionately before he stands back and stares at me, blinking slightly. He takes my hands and spins me around, his fingers swoop my hair to one side from my face before he gently unzips me from my shift. My dress falls to a puddle around my feet, Tommy helps me step out of it before staring at me.

"Do you trust me?" He asks suddenly.

I nod without hesitating, wide eyed and knowingly. I do trust him, with all of my heart.

An electric thrill hums through me, he breathes slowly, his thumb brushes my bottom lip. Instinctively, I move back until I feel the bed against the back of my knees. I can't take my eyes off of his face, his expression is full of desire, his blue eyes bright. My pulse has gone through the roof, my heart races.

His eyes burn into mine, and i am breathless from the intensity.

"Tell me you trust me." He murmurs and deliberately licks his lips slowly. I'm mesmerized by his tongue as he sweeps it over his upper lip.

He's staring into my eyes, watching me. "I trust you." I swallow, he leans down and presses a soft, chaste kiss on my lips.

Thomas begins by kissing me, he cups my kin, pushing it up, giving him access to my throat. His lips glide down my throat, kissing, sucking, nipping. All the way down to the small base of my neck, my body becomes hot. This is hot. My heated blood pools low in my belly, between my legs, right down there. I groan out of pleasure.

I want to touch him, and move my hands into his hair. My fingers glide down his perfectly shaped head, down his neck and over his muscular back. Thomas's lips are down in between my breasts, where he kisses me softly. "Baby..." I beg, "You're torturing me."

"I'm going to take my time with you." His smirk is filled with mirth, taunting me with his mouth as he heads south. He follows the path of his hands, down my sternum to my breasts. Each one is kissed gingerly, my nipples tenderly sucked.

"You're perfect." He tells me, his breath warm against my skin. Reaching my navel, he dips his tongue inside and gently grazes my belly with his teeth. My body melts into the bed.

His nose glides against the line of my belly button, biting me gently and teasing me with his tongue. The natural lighting that comes from the window shows my scars off to my husband, and in moments like these, I would recoil, but this morning, I only have my eyes on Tommy. Not my scars.

He teases me with his eyes, looking up at me as his hands spread my legs. I bite my lip, blushing crimson. He doesn't stop there, he grabs my left food, bends my knee and brings my foot up to his mouth. I can't help but giggle, it's erotic, and taboo, and oh so good. He kisses my ankle, and then trails up to the calf, my knee, my thighs. He makes me squirm, those eyes don't ever leave mine.

Tommy runs his lips up and down my sex, very softly. He stops, and I raise my head peering down at him. He inhales, making sure that I watch him smell me. "My God," He exhales. "Jade, you're so wet." His tongue enters me, and I head drops into the bed.

His name oozes out of my mouth gently.

Tommy moves fingers into me, stretching me, making me want to combust here and now. The feeling of his fingers inside of me, alongside his tongue that teases my swollen clit. And for his other hand to be on on my breast!

I begin to pant, feeling all of him. I want him inside of me, I want him buried deep inside of me.

I lick my lips and feel my legs begin to shake, "Baby-"

"You're so close baby," His voice is hard and raw, "Come for me."

"I need you..." I beg.

"I'm right here." He whispers, "I'm right here."

And that's all I need to climax, my world around me crashes and I cry out for him so loud that I startle myself. I bury my hands into his hair as he kisses the line of hair to my sex. He brings himself close to me and lays beside me, he licks his fingers before kissing me, and when I taste myself, I bury my face into his neck. His hands rest on my body, as he leaves lazy kisses on my face.

I look down at his tamed cock, he made me have an orgasm with only his mouth and fingers. When I look back up at him, I ask, "Are you a sex God?"

He laughs, I smile wide.

"Come on, lets shower and then tell my family we're going back to London."

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