"Dying how?" He sits down slowly after getting me to sit down.
"Um." My face tightens. "I got a phone call from a woman called Irma, she, she works at the hospital in Cardiff and said JP Noland is, I mean," I look down at my fingers struggling to say the words. It's all so different when you say the words. "He got into a car accident and-"
"Hey," Thomas walks towards me. He sits beside me now and holds my hand. I look up and meet his eyes. "What do you want to do? Do you want to see him?"
His eyebrows are furrowed. He doesn't know what I want, and neither do I.
"I don't know." I breathe. "She said I have till Wednesday before they take him off of the breathing machine." Oh. I didn't tell him. "He's brain dead."
He flashes me a sad, bittersweet smile. "I'll call her, if it's time you need then I'll get them to prolong things. Wednesday is only-"
"I know." I sigh, "I-I used to look forward to the day he'd die, and now that's it's come I-" I look up, unable to understand what the hell my heart is feeling. "I want to forgive. And God, I don't want to harbour in any of this hate anymore."
"Jade," Tom says, "Look at me, love."
I bring my head down and pout at him. "I don't know how to feel. But for so many years, all I've done is count the days before he's dead."
"The day has come." He runs a hand through my hair. "Let him go, let everything he did to you go."
"I want to go to Cardiff." I reassure him.
"Tonight?" He asks.
"Yes, I want to see his face one last time before I-"
"Tonight Oswald dies."
"What?" How can he talk about this right now?
"Perhaps Roger can take you." His voice drifts.
My mouth drops. "No. I don't want Roger to take me anywhere. I want it to be you."
"Please, Thomas! Enough. I-I can't bare it alone."
He pauses and looks around for something. I don't know what, and he never answers my thoughts. "Why do you even want to go to Cardiff? Ey? Fuck 'im. He deserves death for what he did to you!"
"Yes, he deserves death but for me to just say yeah kill him over the telephone." My stomach twists at the thought. "I can't justify it." I bring myself closer to him so that our knees touch. "Please come with me to Cardiff, let's put him down together, I-I can't do it alone."
He frowns deeply until finally, he nods, his expression serious.
"You need me to be here for you."
"I do." I respond, my eyes sweep to his.
He nods, "Then I'll be here for you."
I shake my head and stand on my feet, I sit on his lap and wrap my arms around him. "Thank you." I nuzzle my head in his neck. "Oh, thank you."
"I love you so much." He kisses my forehead. "Who else do we have in this world? Who else but each other?"
I smile in his arms, I said that to him so many nights ago. His arms tighten around me, he kisses my head again. "You must've been so worried, coming over here." He coos.