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s5 e2 (most of it's word-for-word dialogue, i do not claim that the dialogue that was obviously taken from the show is mine and i credit bbc's peaky blinders 100%)

"So now Arthur owns The Garrison?" I frown, looking at the building. We're parked outside, Tommy stands outside of the car, smoking his cigarette several feet away from me. I sit in the car, with the door partially open. We're waiting for the guests to show up. We've spent our time chatting up a storm, and in between the chit chatter and shameless flirting, people have brought themselves into our conversation to say hello to the one and only Tommy Shelby, OBE.

"Yup." He takes a pull, looking around. He's got on a good face, good suit.

I feel like a shrimp beside him.

"How about the guy who previously owned-"

"Paid him out, he lives in a castle now somewhere in Westchester or somethin'."

"Oh." I nod.

He taps the cigarette ashes to the floor. "You can pick out any shop you want and I'll buy them out, if you want."

"I don't want that," I scoff, kicking the rocks on the ground.

Once he's done his smoke, Tommy walks over to me and with his hand in mine, we walk into The Garrison. He puts his hand on the small of my back and allows me in first.

"What'll you have love?" He asks.

I sit at the bar, just as Tommy gets behind the bar to pour me a glass of water. And himself, a glass of scotch.

I think about the question, as he leaves the glass of water. "A vodka, with three ice cubes, and a straw."

He smiles, "A vodka."


Of course, we're only joking with each other. My body cannot handle the idea of such alcohol. And with the medication I take, drinking will only harm my body more. He takes a long gulp, and I lift my glass of water and drink it slowly. Wetting my pallet, just like he is.

"So what are you going to say to Michael?" I ask, watching Tommy's face soften at the taste of drink.


"You look worried."

"I'll tell you why I'm worried." He takes a sip of his drink and slams his cup on the bar. "I told Michael to sell. I told him, and for some reason, he didn't listen."

"You really think he'd betray you."

"I think a lot of things." He whispers, looking into my eyes. "I think he wants what I have."

"What do you have, Tom?" I ask, locking eyes with him.

"The keys to the fucking castle."

Polly enters the Garrison, followed by Arthur. My eyes dart their way, and they both say hello to me before moving to Tommy. They're missed their Tommy Shelby. The man who has created this empire for the family, and I know they hate to admit it, but without Tom, they'd be nowhere near where they are today. They ought to worship the ground he walks on, but instead, they are needy and ungrateful.

"What is she doing here?" Polly snaps.

"Where's Michael?" He asks Arthur, ignoring Polly's question.

He clears his throat. Standing beside me. Tom makes his way around the bar, it's the three of us on one side, and Polly across from us. She looks lovely, as always.

"He's parking the car." Arthur tells his brother.

"He's parking the car." Tommy repeats, chuckling. "Fuckin' ridiculous." He murmurs.

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