chapter 2 - secrets

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Annabelle's POV:
"Hey, what happened?" he asked me softly, as I shook my head hard, wiping my tears away in embarrassment. I mean, who in the wide world cries in front of a random guy?

"Why are you crying?" he inquired again, reaching for my right shoulder.
But I was so lost in thought that I wasn't even listening to him. I was confused on how he knew Jessica and Allison; and if they were hanging out last night then why is he being nice to me?. I need to remember what had happened. But then again, how is that even possible? At this point, my memory's completely blank and all I know is that I had fun.

This was way too much for a college girl to handle in one afternoon. I definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed. All thanks to Ally again.

"I'm Brandon by the way," he introduced awkwardly, rubbing his nape.

"Oh I'm sorry, blacked out for a second," I laughed nervously. "I'm Annabelle, remember?"

"Remember what?" Brandon raised an eyebrow but gave a cheeky smile right after, "you're funny. Anyway, what's up with all the crying?"

"Wait, you don't remember me?" I questioned confusedly.

"Sorry, am I suppose to? Maybe you're getting me confused with someone else, but this is my first time meeting you," he grinned, Wow. I'm officially crazy.

"Sorry but I gotta go, it was nice meeting you," I acknowledged hurriedly with a small chuckle as I scurried away from him before he could even answer back.

Okay, but what the actual fuck is happening right now? First of all, his name is Brandon, and second of all, he claims that he has never seen me before, Like seriously dude, I've been seeing you every day, trying to act all innocent welk that's not going to work on me. I'm positive that Ally knows something I don't, and I need to find her now.

"Hey, watch it loser!"

"Who're you calling a los-oh wait it's you again, Brandon," I groaned.

"Oh Anna it's you again, last night was pretty crazy. Didn't know you had it in you," he smirked.

"Oh now you remember me? unbelievable," I spat, "What exactly happened last night?" I asked uncertainly.

"Gotta go, girlfriend needs me," he huffed, completely ignoring my question.

"Girlfriend?" I lifted an eyebrow as I crossed my arms over my chest. At that very moment, Jessica walks towards the both of us.

"Hey baby, I missed you," she sighed in a sultry voice as she stood beside him. He gave her a kiss on the lips, "I was just telling Anna about last night; she really turned it up, didn't she?"

"Hey Anna," Jessica gave a quick smile. What is going on here, am I dreaming? First, he doesn't know me, now he does; and Jessica's acting all weird to me, now she suddenly seems really nice-- okay somebody hit me, I'm definitely day-dreaming.
Burying my face in my hands, I give a silent scream of frustration, praying that this was all a very bad hallucination.
I look up in front of me again, and to my dismay, "great, you're still here," I said, gritting my teeth.

"Yeah, and stop being weird. I'm not Brandon, I'm Bradley the best one. I'm sure you know that," the side of his mouth twitched.

"Okay you need to really stop confusing me Brandon or Bradley, whichever it is am leaving crazy town,  before your insanity rubs off on me," I scoffed. I quickly walked away and went to the benches, it was a place most people go to think and be alone.
I sat there for hours thinking and trying to recollect my thoughts. All I remember was having the best time of my life at the party. I didn't make much friends, and it was my first party Ally dragged me to that I remember, when I met Jessica I thought Jessica liked me but I guess she doesn't. Now she's with Brandon -- or is it Bradley I don't even wanna know.  Suddenly someone tapped me from the back and I turned around but no one was there. Just then a note landed right before me.

If you want to know the truth, meet me at the clubhouse by 8.
PS - come alone

Now I'm even more curious.
Who is this and what do they know? Could it be a trap? Should I trust them and should go? All these thoughts were running through my mind like electrifying currents and yet I didn't have answers for anything. I don't want to trouble, my life is known for that once I get involved with new people, but maybe it was worth it right?  Jason is all caught up with Law School now so this was a battle I had to fight on my own.

I have to figure all this out by myself.
I go back to the dorms and as usual with no surprise, Ally was there. Honestly, doesn't she ever leave the room or me alone? I went over to my bed without mumbling a word to her and kept thinking on what I had to do.
After long hours of contemplating and finding myself in scenarios I didn't want to be in, I had finally come to a decision. I would go and see what the fuss was all about. Firstly, it's the clubhouse and I might run into Daniel if I get into unnecessary trouble. I have to go there alone after all, but that doesn't mean I can't leave without company.

"Why are you so quiet; shouldn't you be all up in my face already?" Ally snickered.

"Honestly, what do you want, can't you just leave me alone for once?"

"Oh, you're still sad about class is it?" she pouted her mouth, "Well, you should have thought about the consequences last night." Now, I definitely need to go and find out every single detail on everything that happened yesterday. Without another word to Ally, I quickly grab my essentials and I leave the dorms an hour before the actual meet-up; but I was eager and mostly didn't want to hear Allison talk anymore.
The weather was colder than usual today, and I solely blame Ally because I didn't grab a jacket before leaving. I stroll to a nearby café and scroll through my Instagram as I sip a strong cup of Cappuccino, killing all the time I had till eight pm arrived. When it was finally time, I walked into the club house hoping to see whoever it is I was supposed to be seeing. It was a frat house but mainly for the athletes so it was officially nicknamed the club house, which makes sense, I walk up to door sinking my head.

"Looking for someone?" asked the tall redhead standing by the door.

"I'm here to see--, well I don't know who precisely. I was told to be here by eight. " I answered nervously, biting my lip.

"You're gonna have to give me a little more than that honey," he clicked his tongue, ruffling his hair.

I rolled my eyes in reply. I was already ten minutes late. What if they get impatient and I miss my only chance of getting to know the truth?

"Just please let me in, it's an emergency." At that very moment, Daniel came up behind the both of us.

"Hey Anna, what are you doing there?" he asked light heartedly, giving the red head boy a clap on the back.

"Yo Greg, ma man," he chanted.

"Dan, you know this chick? She's trying to get in and I'm gonna need some verification."

"No problem, she's with me," Daniel answered, gently pulling me inside.

'About time,' I thought.

"So, are you going to tell me what's up and what you're doing here; because even I could tell you that the clubhouse isn't a place for you to be seen in," Daniel raised an eyebrow at me.

"Anna, you came!" a voice called up from behind, "I was starting to think you'd stood me up."

"You came to see Bran? That's new. Well I'll catch you later then, call me if you need anything," Daniel said with small squeeze of reassurance on my shoulder and left.

"Brandon you again? You've got to be kidding me," I spat, walking up to him, "You're the person I'm meeting?
This was definitely a trap. I make my way towards the exit, only to find myself pulled back to him.

"Just listen alright. Everything will make sense eventually."

We were so close to one another, I swear I could hear his heart beating fast in his chest, he was nervous.

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