chapter 28 - healing

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Annabelle's POV
You can say it, I am very stupid and naive, I got myself into a mess that I couldn't think of how to dig myself out of, I couldn't look at myself normal again, there I was being harass by this piece of shit and no one was there to save me, I was tricked and I fell for it, just when I thought all was lost. My saviour came to the rescue, not him but I was glad he was there.

I watched at Bradley appeared from behind and took Shane to the ground, I was afraid he wouldn't fight him off easily, but he was winning almost busting the guys nose while I stood there frozen, I wanted to run but it was as if my legs were glued to the floor so I couldn't, I just stood there and watched.

"I told you guys its over, stay away from her, and you delete the video it was a game and better confess to my dad." I hear him say before kicking Shane one more time, he came to me but I couldn't move, did he seriously know all about this, and here I was risking my life for his brother when this was all him, I can't believe him right now.

"Don't touch me, you selfish pig, so you were going to risk your brothers future for a stupid game, let me guess genius, you planned it huh, still not over yet party, that was fucking months ago." I sparked at him. I was still shaken and afraid, but I can't believe he would do this to me, I knew that guy looked too different to be in our class, I've never seen him.  So he planned to frame just for a stupid slap at a party. "I thought we were over this?"

"Am sorry, I didn't mean for it to go this way, he doesn't even school here, he's a dropout," he pointed at the guy who framed me, Shane was already gone at that time "I just thought you'd come beg him then I'll humiliate you here, and hearing me say it out loud really sounds messed up now, I never thought Chad would get involved and this idiots would try to blackmail you and Shane is just an asshole." his whole plan came crystal clear to me, this mutha fucker, how did I get here, this twins really were the death of me.

Luckily I was by the door, I wasted notime in leaving immediately, I ran out I thought of where to go. It was late and well very soon the birds would start singing not, I made my way to the dorms and straight to my room, Ally was sleeping there tonight apparently, making my way to the closest I grabbed my suitcase and dump as many cloths as I could find and made to my car, it's not too late to be driving right?.

I made it home thirty minutes after five in the morning, I spent the night trying not to doze off, at least I have weeks to be away from all the drama, college has been nothing but drama. Making my way in even the security at guard was surprise to see me, he was getting ready for the day already, so I wasn't surprise to see him up, I packed directly in the entrance, not even getting my bag I went in and straight to my room, luckily no one was up. Time for a proper night rest.

I was up two in the afternoon, and judging by the atmosphere I was home, I look by the door and see my suitcase in and my car keys on the table, I don't remember bringing it in, I guess they helped me with it, going in the bathroom, I wash my face before drying it off with a towel, gurgling my mouth with a mouthwash, my hair in a messy bun I switch into my home cloths, laziness here I come, a rainbow crop top and grey sweatpants, I got no worries.

Making my way downstairs I give my mom a peck on the cheek and, my dad before sitting by the dinning table smiling at them.

"What's for breakfast?" I glared at my mom.

"I don't know, probably because it's two in the afternoon, also when did you get here young lady?, you were suppose to be here tomorrow." Molly raised an eyebrow at me, seriously I came here to rest, can't I have that.

"Apparently you showed up to the house five in the morning, why?" My dad also chirps in.

I suddenly bust Into tears, how was I going to face them, to tell them their perfect daughter was now the opposite, going to college for a semester and I'm on thin ice now, with a fifty to fifty chance of being expelled and being assaulted by a wanna be gangster, and well likely to have a bad gpa because I wasn't concentrating, all this going through my mind I knew I had failed them.

"It's okay honey." Molly pulled me in for a hug while I let out the tears, I felt safe but sooner I knew I had to tell them everything.

"Mom I think am going to be expelled." I drop the bomb at them still in her amrs, surprisingly she didn't let go, hallelujah I was still in her arms, it's my lucky day.

"Chancellor Foster called today, the culprit confess to framing you, so nothing to worry about," I hear my dad say sipping his afternoon tea.

"Seriously?" I let out smiling, at least there's one good news from today.

"Yes, don't think too much, I just can't believe you didn't see to tell us what was going on." my mom added.

"From now on, I promise." I twist my fingers behind me, I will but not everything, just then David started crying and she had to go check up on him, leaving me and my dad.

"If you're not tired, let's go pick up your sister from the airport." he flash the keys at me.

Not even bothering to change, I squealed at the thought of Ashley coming back, my day just got better, I think am going to be fine.

We arrived at the airport minutes later and waited for Ashley's flight to land, after another thirty minutes it was here, my dad is really funny why did he make us get there early then, if we still had half an hour to wait, I was looking like a mess obviously why everyone at the airport stared once I pass.

I went by the food court and got myself a hotdog and coke, i haven't eaten so at least let me get something to eat, dad was still checking for Ashley but he said he can't see her, that's when I look up and to my surprise, she wasn't the same, that chick had pink hair,wearing a sequin dress and boots both silver, she looked awesome, dress to kill I'd say, but dad didn't buy that. Damn the look on his face was priceless, at least am not the only kid that messed up in college too.

"Hey old man, miss me?" she ran and gave him a hug, but he was frozen at the sight he saw.

"Broadway bitch!" I whisper to her ear, it's about to go down.

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