chapter 21 - back up

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Warning: chapter contains self harm and violence
Annabelle's POV
"Why must you always cause a scene?" we walked downstairs to meet Brandon trashing the place, Bradley was trying to calm him down but he wasn't listening, I always thought it'll be that other way around.

"Dude you need to calm down."  Brad tries to stop him but he shrugs him over heading to break more things, he was really acting crazy and why anyway?, I was going to go talk him but I was taken a back, he was holding a knife, how did he even get that, why does this always happen to me?

"Be careful with that Bran, don't do anything crazy okay?" I said trying to go around him.

"Or what, tell me, cause I'll love to hear it." he pointed the knife around, we were all shocked Allison was already screaming in terror,  while Jessica tried to calm him down too.

"Listen to me Brandon, don't do this okay, just give me the knife ok?" she walked towards him instead of pointing the knife at her, he took it and stick it to his palm making himself bleed uncontrollably.

"ARGGHH!" Allison held her face screaming, god was she loud "he's bleeding, do something Brad?" she held his arm but he just stood there confused, why wasn't he doing anything, if it was Brandon he would go to heaven and earth just to see Bradley was okay, but here he is just looking at him hurting himself. I couldn't take it, so decided to run towards him, but he kept digging inside of his hand.

"STOP PLEASE?" I cried out,  couldn't bear seeing him like this, he wasn't thinking straight "do something, don't just stand there?" I faced both his brothers, Chad was just on his phone the whole time, was that all he does, Brandon Could die here and they all didn't care, what kind of family do they run here, I get they're not related but, at least try is that so much to ask for.

"Now you care about me, giving me attention, was that all it took, to hurt myself, was it?" He turned facing me, before the knife slipped out of his hand, he was loosing his balance, I tried to hold him, using my hand to press down the injury but he was hurting badly, suddenly an ambulance showed up, how did they know, coming in they rushed to me, I slowly moved back as they grabbed him to the car, I kept wondering what was going to happen, I hope he's alright, why is he acting this way.

I turned to check for Chad, but he was gone and so was Bradley, maybe they followed them to the hospital, I was about leaving to go meet them there but I felt someone pull my hair.

"Ooww." I let out turning face to face with Allison, what's her problem?

"This is all your fault,  look what you did," I looked at the ground revealing his blood on the floor, a woman was already cleaning the spot, I couldn't even argue with Allison it was kind of my fault, I did this maybe I was a bad luck to everyone, I was feeling dizzy suddenly, I needed a time out, all I was hearing was Allison's voice echoing before slowly fading. I just passes out.

"Is she still breathing?" Jessica asked, holding her hands.

"I don't know, don't ask me that, I was never here." I stood up to leave, running and leaving them there.

"Is she going to be okay?" I could hear voices and people over me.

"Look she's waking up." I opened my eyes revealing my parents and friends in hospital, am in the hospital? How?, what happened, I was trying to think about what last happened when my parents cut me off my thoughts.

"Annabelle baby, are you okay?" My mom asked me, putting her hand on my head.

"Am fine." I simply said, like I just passed out, why did they have to call my parents, god I need space.

"What were you doing deep into town, explain it to me please?" he immediately asked, shoot I totally forgot, we were at the Fosters house, but how did they end up here? What time is it?

"What's the time please?" I asked him totally ignoring his question.

"It's Ten am in the morning, it's the next day babe." Jason came from behind, giving me a stern look, was he mad at me or what?

"What happened?" I asked them, stretching from the bed I sit up right to hear them out.

"Apparently you were stressed out, so you had a slight meltdown but you're good now, but we need to worry less okay?" my  mom said to me.

''And stop going to strange houses, do you know Jason found you unconscious, lying there what were you thinking?" My dad added, OMG those bitches ditched me, am so going to end them once I see them, no surprise ally ditched me but, Jessica, I couldn't believe she could do that to me. I watched as my parents talked with the doctor, but I was worrying about Brandon, was he okay? What happened? It was already the next day? But asking Jason was the last thing I should be doing now.

"So let me take you back?" he said giving me a straight face, why is he mad, he knew I was at the fosters, so what was his problem.

I got off the bed, going over to my parents, I gave my mom a hug before I followed Jason to the car, halfway through the car ride, he didn't say anything to me, why was he was he mad, so I decided to ask and break the silence.

"Am sorry, did I miss something?" I turned facing him, before he rudely stopped the car "jesus Jason, are you trying to kill me?" I panicked.

"My problem is you, why did you? How the hell did you end up passed out on the floor, alone in that house?" he turned to me.

"First of all, I told you I'll be there, so what did I do wrong again?" I asked innocently, I was also mad, am the one who got betrayed by my friend too again, so I am also confused.

"Well I really think they're bad for you." he declared.

"Don't please, don't say that, am trying to also, just trust me on this." I held his hands to calm him down, he looked at me before smiling.

"Just be safe, I won't be here forever." he simply said before starting the car again, what did he mean by that, why is he being so weird.

We got to school an hour later before he dropped me off, I didn't want to cause any more problem, plus they did say I needed time for myself and to lay off stress, so am definitely going to have to stay away from the twins, Jessica and my crazy roommate most of all.

Jason's POV
After hanging with Daniel yesterday, I was wondering where Annabelle could be, she wasn't answering my calls and I was getting worried, I know she was at the house I met her last time, so I was even more concerned about her, so I decided to go check out the place, it was around six in the evening so I was confused to as why she was still at their place.

I was going to the place, when I received a call from her, I immediately picked it up, anxiously, I hope everything was okay.

Hello! Annabelle are you good? You're not picking up your phone.

Hey it's Jessica, can you please come over, it's Annabelle and I need help.

It was her friend, apparently Anna passed out, just out of the blue, on getting there, I didn't see Jessica neither was anyone home, it was just the workers around, I asked about what happened and they told me, an accident occurred and they were rushed to the hospital. I was so mad, so they went to the hospital but they left my girl here, I was so upset, I warned her to stay away but she's just so stubborn.

I dialled 911 before calling her parents to inform them, we ended up spending the entire night in the hospital and she wasn't responding, her phone kept ringing the entire night, so I got tired and ended up shutting down the phone.

She was finally getting better the next morning cause her pulse was reading normal and, not high she finally woke up and the whole room went crazy, her dad was already coming at her, god do I know how that feels, I was so mad at her too, she let her guard down and this is where we were. I decided to talk to her about it, she assured everything was going to be okay, I just hope so, cause I just found out something and am still thinking of how to tell her.

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