chapter 25 - Amber

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Annabelle's POV
On my way, I stopped by a drive through and order a pizza small and two shakes, I needed the distraction, and well I need someone I can rely on and actually concentrate, after getting it, I decided to text Jason I doubt he'll be there by now, but I need to check in since he doesn't want to. Oh shit yeah that's true, my phone is missing damn.

I just decided he was still on the flight, so I should definitely try tomorrow, Chad's place wasn't so far from school, I remember it from the last time I was there, so I managed to recognise the road, just a few blocks ahead of school, I wonder if it's his place, or he got it just for school, well here goes nothing.

I got the takeout out of the car, I hope he's not mad that I didn't call, judging to the fact that I lost my phone, and it had to happen now, I went up to the door and rang the doorbel hoping he'll answer, but nope he didn't, I guess he wasn't around, so much for  hanging out with a sane person, I was already planning on turning back when the door opened, revealing a girl in her twenties I'd say, wearing her swimsuit and a kimono over it,she looked like a super model I won't lie, with her culry hair on fleek and nice skin colour, where did Chad get this girl?, I was feeling too intimidated already.

Looking at myself, I suddenly felt embarrassed, I was a mess with my hair like this and my cloths, I wonder what she thinks of me now, plus I never saw Chad as the hooking up type, but maybe I was wrong, realising now what the situation looks like, I decided to speak up.

"Sorry I was looking for someone, guess it's the wrong place." I said using my hands to fix my hair awkwardly.

"Do you mean Chad, I can call him for you." she sounded so nice,  but I just couldn't at the moment.

"No thank you, wrong guy, I'll be leaving now," I turned away feeling a bit hurt, I don't know why but I did. But I was stopped by someone on my way, he was standing by the drive way, how did he.

"Hey Anna, long time." he smiled at me, I couldn't even look at him, not after what just happened.

"OMG Chad don't tell me that's Annabelle, you're so pretty," she came over and gave me a hug, she's really nice "What happened to your hair?" she used her hands to get out my messy hair, can I get even more embarrassed.

"Who has the pizza and shake?" he pointed towards me.

"Oh I need one." she collected a shake from me, and the box of pizza before going inside the house leaving me and Chad standing there "wooooooo!" she yelled one more time.

"What happened to you, are you okay?" he came close to me using his hands to move my hair.  But I pushed his hands away, who is he right now?

"Uhmm I need to go, maybe this was a bad idea." I blurted out trying to move.

"Hey look at me," he cupped my chin "where have you been? , it's been a while let's go inside okay." he grabbed my hands as we headed for the door, there's just something about him that makes me question myself and follow his every move, is that a good thing.

We entered into the house, for the second time, the girl was sitting on the chair, eating my pizza and taking my shake, seriously am going to lose it. Who does she think she is? I could push her off now.

"Okay Amber, I told you for the last time, stop trashing my place, why are you here anyway? Did you and dad fight again." he tapped her legs to take it off his coffee table.

"Stop being whining, I'll be upstairs, you know that old man needs to check himself, why can't I get my place too?" she turned facing the sofa at him who was standing next to me, I was just observing them, that explains it she's his sister, wow I feel so relieve, but why anyway.

"Anyway I'll be upstairs if you need me, I needed the break." she took the pizza with her "thanks for lunch Annabelle." she winked at me before going up, wow she's like an older emma they look really cute fighting though.

"Sorry about Amber, she's just really crazy, and well my place is her getaway." He explained going to the kitchen "sorry about your lunch I guess." he laughed awkwardly.

"Oh it's okay, I wasn't mad or anything." I tried to cover up.

He simply didn't say anything, rather he kept looking at me as if he was going to say something, then he'll pause and continue looking, he went over by the fridge and got mayo, some cheese and bread.

"Want some?" he asked me, and I nodded yes, he was going to make sandwiches I guess, good cause I was already starving and thanks to Amber,  I didn't get my shake or food "so what happened to you, ignore us for a week end up in a hospital, and show up totally tarted." he pointed at me slowly observing me, so he did hear about my stress, now I felt bad for always ignoring him.

"I called you today, you didn't pick either." he added, it was as if he was reading my mind.

"I lost my phone back at the twins frat today."

"How is that possible, is that why you're such a mess, let me guess you met with Shane?" he asked me.

"Who's Shane?" I asked looking confused.

"Don't worry, did he hurt you?, did anything happen?" he came close holding me by the shoulder.

"I just fought with Allison and Jessica, that's why am this scattered and I think that's how I lost my phone, am not really sure where." I replied before going over to the counter to finish the sandwich. "Let's just hang and forget about me."

"So he did try something, I'll make sure I end him when I find him," he clench his fist in the air.

"It was nothing seriously, I managed to leave before he did anything, so please don't." I begged also I didn't want saving anymore.

"Then tell me what happened then?" he was being really controlling and I think I liked it, not that I'll be saying much but I like the way he's being.

I ended up telling him what happened, and why I had to stay away for the time being, to me and Allison fighting and Brandon being crazy, and my encounter with the crazy blonde guy, the pervert.

"And you're telling me this now, I knew that house was not a good place, I'm so going to end him." he stood up angry walking towards the door, before I went after him, pulling him by the arm he paused in his tracks. Suddenly a loud rock music played from the room, I guess that should be Amber.

"KEEP IT DOWN," he yelled, but I guess she didn't hear him.

"Let's just keep this for now, I came here to get away from all that, can you at least give me that." I came close facing him before giving him a tight hug, burying my face on his chest, am not going to lie but for a moment I felt safe, using his hands he wrapped them around me, guess he knew I just needed the safe space right now, pulling away from the hug the tension between us was already intense, I was holding onto him by his hoodie strings, while his hands were on my waist, he was looking straight into my eyes, and I felt myself sinking, not again am not about to let myself get into this mess again, or maybe I do. Slowly going in a voice cuts me off.

"Bro, OMG don't let me stop you, I just want to say am seeing some friends okay, might be back late." she quickly tried to escape.

"Amber don't test me, you better be home early, you know how I feel about your friends," he warned leaving me by the door, god I felt stupid.

"It's just Maria and some other guys nothing serious okay, now bye bro!" she blew a kiss before closing the door behind, wow he's really trying she's being a crazy person, and out of control too.

"Let's go eat now." he put his hands over his head feeling defeated.


This is going to be a long night, also I need my phone urgently, maybe I'll use his phone to reach Jessica, she'll help me get it.

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