chapter 10 - the broken boy

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Annabelle's POV
I was sitting in the room, still couldn't get a shut eye for some unknown reason, I wasn't just comfortable, one part of me was worried about Daniel and another kept thinking why the Fosters are really mean. Jessica was half asleep already while I just sat on the bed looking around, finally realizing wait! I have a phone, so I reached for it and decided to return my calls, and well I do owe Jason an explanation for just cutting him off.
I decided to call Maddie first, cause it's going to be a long conversation with Jason.

Me: hey sweetie, I missed your call.

Maddie: what are you up to crazy? Jason called he's worried about you, you know, even I would, is everything okay?

Me: yes mom, is that why you called? I replied uninterested.

Maddie: still haven't answered me,what is going on?

Me: let's just say I'm at the Foster twins house okay, Dan got into a fight, but he's okay nothing serious, jason should calm down.

Maddie: just be safe okay and yeah I Almost forgot, me and Alex are back together again.

Me: I'm not even gonna, Goodluck sweetie, have fun I need to handle something.

I immediately hang up noticing a strange sound coming from outside,  I walked up to Jessica but,she was already deep asleep, guess I'm about to go see this.

I quietly tip toe to the door, gently opening it, I sighted Brandon with Bradley, what is going on? I decided to spy on them, but I wasn't getting anything, so I decided to just go up to them, I mean it's just them right.

"Hey, what's up?" I said sarcastically at Brandon.

"Ann---" he suddenly kept shut, looking at me from head to toe.

Oh no! I just realized I was only wearing my top, I was in my night wear.

"You saw nothing okay." I used my hands to drag my top down a bit, before adding "well?"

He smiled at me before finally speaking up. "He's sleep walking okay." turning my attention to Bradley and he was right, he was actually and I couldn’t help but laugh, the famous Bradley is also a sleep walker, this is new.

"You're serious, you guys just keep getting weirder, I suppose you're not as perfect as I thought you two were." I teased.

"Can you at least help me take him back to the room?" he pointed at him.

"Fine." I sighed, as we directed Bradley back to his room, I can't wait to tease him about this, we went into the room to meet Ally snoring, no surprise as usual, girlfriend and she didn't even notice her boyfriend was gone, Brandon helped him back on the bed, before tucking him in, he really did care for him, if only Brad could stop being a prick to him that would have been good. He gently closed the door as I watched him, before coming to meet me by the door.

"Don't tell anyone about this?" he immediately came at me all armed.

"And if I did what are you going to do about it?" I teased.

"Well, I don't know." he suddenly looked sad.

"What's the deal anyway?" I looked him in the eye, genuinely sad for him, I could tell there was something wrong "tell me, who are you, the real you." I added, as we walked down to the kitchen, I checked the fridge for water, before giving it to him, as I still observed him.

"I don't know Anna." he said avoiding eye contact,  but I wasn't giving up.

"Why do you do? what you do?, the mood swings and everything, how did you end up with that?" I reached for his hands.

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