chapter 34 - explanations

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Warning: use of drugs and self harm

Annabelle's POV
It was Christmas morning, i was so excited, after waking up the next morning, suddenly I remembered what happened last night, everyone must be so angry with my right now, but I was wrong, stretching from my bed, I see a note by my bedside.

Make sure to take extra good care of yourself, also miranda is just a friend please.


I guess I really messed things up, I go into the bathroom and wash my face and brush my teeth, still in my pj's, I make my way to the Christmas tree, but no one was there, no celebration, nothing like my usual Christmas mornings.

"Dad, mom?" I call out.

"They left this morning." the maid came to inform me, where could they have gone to this early morning,  I make my way to Ashley's room but she wasn't there too, where the heck is everyone, searching countless times still no one, I gave up and sat there waiting for a miracle.

I dialled Maddie's number and she wasn't picking up either, did everyone bail on me or what, I was just being misunderstood, I tried the second time and luckily she answered.

Hey, merry Christmas!

Are you feeling okay now?

Kinda, no one's at home.

They're probably shopping, how are you feeling though?, please say fine because I miss the old you.

I miss you!

Let's hang later today.


With that being said, I hanged up the line, at least she's still talking to me, I sat there watching a movie and even falling asleep before I finally heard movements, checking my time I realise it was four in the afternoon.

"Where did you two go to?" I face my parents "I was looking forward to Christmas,"

"Well we kept your gifts, what else?" my dad played dumb.

"You left me alone, and where's Ashley?" I asked.

"I can't have David around all this, and don't bring your sister into this"  Molly added.

"Am sorry okay, I overreacted, but can I at least have my Christmas." I gave them my best puppy dog eyes.

"Sure go get your sister," they both smiled at me.

"Later tonight, I promised Maddie I'll hang today." I added before going to get ready, can't wait finally a no drama day I hope.

I make my way to the basement, apparently Maddie wanted to meet there, that's far from home a little so what is she up to, like I knew Jess was waiting with her there.

"Really?" I say to her before taking a sit.

"I had to, now please for the love of God make up," she left to order leaving me with the enemy.

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