chapter 12 - the truth

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Annabelle's POV
If you've been following me, all this while then you know, my life is never problem free, and when stuffs like this happens, there's only one person that comes to mind, the only person crazy enough to jump into that water, crazy enough to risk his life for me without thinking twice, and that same person I know nothing about.  Yes you guessed it, it was Chad, my savior, shows up on his time and fucking disappears like he owns the place.

He gently pulled me out of the water, I was half way passed out, but I could still see a little, and by little I mean blurry, the water I drank in that pool, was something I don't even want to think about, but that made me halfway sober, he carried me over by his shoulders and we walked out of the clubhouse, I was still not sure of what was going on, but I was glad he saved me, I doubt Daniel was at the party, cause I didn't see him, but it's the clubhouse, so he had to be there, Brandon obviously ended up babysitting his brothers ass, or I guess in today's case, it's the other way around.

We got to his car and, he gently put me down by the passenger sit, putting my seat belt on me, he closed the door before proceeding to the other side, I was already weak and tired, so it was no surprise when we reach his place, I was already dozing off, I was woken up by the sound of the car stopping, before he got out coming to help me, I didn't even care, I just sat there already giving up, he raised me to his shoulders again and we went inside.

He sat me down by the dining room, while he went to get something, as I watched and observed everywhere well, I basically stared at what my head wanted to see. He arrived moments later with a bottle of water, and a pill.

"Take, this should help with the headache you'll get, and the blurriness." he waved his fingers around, for me to know he was talking to me, I suddenly snapped out of my thinking before reaching for it.

I woke up the next morning, with a banging headache, what the fuck! Not again I muttered,  looking around I realise I was not back at my room,  I was in someone's house, someone else's bed, omg annabelle, what did you do? I thought, I looked at myself and I was wearing a red t-shirt that's obviously not mine, looking at the room, I notice the structure, it was black and had a little of color, everything looked mysterious, a few posters of musicians were posted on the wall, which gave me an idea of something, this person is a music person obviously, taking the sheets off me, I stood up to look at myself in the mirror.

And I looked Terrible, i was red in the cheeks and my hair was completely messy, why did you have to drink again Annabelle, i asked myself, as if waiting for an answer, I suddenly heard a voice from behind, did I really ask that out loud I thought.

"I ask myself the same thing princess." he moved closer, before gazing at me.

"Chad, seriously how the hell did I get here, what is going on?" I scratched my hair in annoyance.

"Relax, you got drunk, no surprise,  wasted, Almost drown, and well here we are now." he winked at me, did he just wink at me, that is so strange, cause this is the first time am seeing this one with emotions on him, like ever, this should be good.

"So where are we?" I asked curiously, I had to cause last time he saved me, this wasn't in anywhere near where he took me.

"Its my parents home, I just thought we needed somewhere out sketch and different." he blushed awkwardly, what is he thinking, I need to get into his mind.

"Wait, so you stay here in town. That's so close by." I stated rather than asking, and he ignored me.

"If you're done, meet me downstairs let's eat." he suddenly sounded grumpy before heading out.  I grabbed a towel and went in to shower, I saw my dress of last night and my bikini, being dried, oh my word I really did get crazy last night, I need to stop this drinking I said to myself, before turning on the shower.

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