chapter 8 - confrontations

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Annabelle's POV
I was sitting alone in class today, with my earphones plugged in, muting myself from the world, when I received a call from my distance boyfriend. I haven't spoken with him for weeks now, since the incident with the Foster twins and Maddie coming over, I was suddenly nervous before summoning the courage to pick up.

Me: Hey Jason.

Jason: don't you dare hey me Belle, how could you, where have you been?

Me: I can explain, I've been really busy with school lately that's why, but I'm sorry I didn't call or text.

Jason: what's this am hearing, you hanging with some dudes? Explain.

Me: okay I need you to pause, since when did you owned me, I can't talk with other people now, I can't believe you. Sounding pissed I immediately cut the call short.

Who does he think he is, what is he trying to be right now, whatever it is am not here for that. Deep in my thoughts, immediately I banged the table, causing all eyes and attention to me,with fellow readers in class "sorry." I apologized before grabbing my things to go out.

"Hey gorgeous." Jessica smiled at me, with Daniel and Brandon with her.

"You piece of---," I quickly put myself together, realizing I'm at classes area, I grabbed Daniel by the shirt before hitting him hard on the shoulder.

"Ow, what was that for?" he asked innocently.

"That's for telling Jason everything, before I did." I sparked at him.

"I didn't." he defended.

"Then who did?"

"Definitely not me," he said smiling at me.

"We don't have time, for whatever is going on right now." Brandon finally spoke.

"And the mysterious gets the most, so you talk huh?" I teased at him.

After the incident at the airport weeks ago, I went with Jessica and we confronted Brandon, he told us how he was around during the food fight on campus, and how he forwarded Allisons name for starting it, "why didn't you rat out your brother?" Jessica asked, he couldn't give us an answer, but we're just glad Ally was out of the way and now we only have to worry about Bradley, who has been missing since the incident, at least that's what Brandon told us, those twins sure are cunning and hard to find. We've been working together now to get Bradley off my back and any other girl he's planning on playing  though, this pass few days I've not been getting much trouble from him, guess Ally was the actual problem and that's how we got here.

"I'm being serious right now,I know where Brad is?" he announced scratching his neck gently.

"Yeah, so we need to go talk to him now." Jessica reminded me.

"I know that, I'm just really mad at Jason, can you believe what he said to me?" I said surprised.

"Girl, I can only imagine, let's fix your life, then we'll discuss Jason later." she dragged me by the arm,as Daniel and brandon followed.

Warning: contains hard use of drugs and other sexual content, read at your risk
We arrived minutes later at an abandoned house, in a very low neighborhood.

"Uhmm, are we seriously going in there?" Jessica asked with scary eyes, even I didn't like the view, the place was reeking drugs, even before we went in, what could he be doing In there?

"You can wait in the car Jess, we'll go in." Brandon replied.

"Great idea, I'll be outside if you need me." she said before locking the doors, giving us the thumbs up sign, i was freaking out inside of me, but I know Daniel is here, and Brandon, what's the worst that could happen?

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