chapter 27 - problems

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Warning: mature theme, violence and sexual harass

Annabelle's POV
This was it, I had hit rock bottom the week went by and so did the days and everything around it, I didn't see my friends cause it was exam month and your girl Annabelle was in a major problem, I was on the verge of breaking down, how did I get here I don't know, but I certainly sure winter break was going to be bad.

I was caught cheating, technically I wasn't, the guy behind me was helping a friend and I manage to get myself involved, he asked for me to help and in the process the paper was in my hands, I was facing expulsion here maybe, and it all happened during philosophy, my whole exams felt worst, I was under observation the whole time, and I don't even know a way out of this, if I don't provide a possible evidence or proof, I'm done.

The guy behind me wasn't talking either, so I didn't know my fate and was definitely not going to tell my parents, they'll freak I know I didn't do anything wrong, but it's not like they'll believe me, my fate will be decided when we resume fully next semester, so the tension was up, I'll be leaving for the break in two days, and well Chad noticed I've been off the whole week, and I didn't want to tell him either, with his problem I didn't want to add to it.

"Okay the jig is up, tell me?" He came to sit with me on the couch, I was seated with my legs crossed wrapped in a blanket thinking.

"Tell you what?" I tried to play dumb, but I couldn't fool him, he already figured it out, he always does.

"When were you going to tell me, you're on the verge of explosion?" He looked really furious.

"Because I'm not, at least not yet."

"How did it happen, tell me you didn't, please tell me," he clench his fist.

"You know me better than that, I just wish the guy behinds me comes clean, I can't survive Christmas with that tension." I confessed, telling him how it happened and how I think it may have affected my remaining papers.

"What's his name?" he asked.

"I don't know, I didn't ask," what is he going to do.

"Can you at least describe anything?" he looked anxious waiting for my answer.

"Yeah that I do, what are you going to do?" I asked.

"Make things right." he simply said, so I decided not to tell him. I didn't want him doing anything crazy that'll get him in trouble too. He kept on convincing me but i made sure I didn't give him anything, he later gave up and retired to bed early, while I made a few calls before going to bed, it's been weeks since I saw Jason, he'll be happy to hear this not. Oh brother, so I facetime him.

Hey handsome, I missed you.

Missed you more, is that a sad face I see?

How you been? I just finished my exams I'll be home this weekend.

You still haven't answered the question, what's wrong?

It's nothing really, I just miss you.

Sorry I have to go, I need to handle something.

Who's that?

And the line goes off, I could have sworn someone came in, or maybe I was imagining things, these days I hardly get a full conversation with Jason, someone or something always interrupts, I guess harvard is demanding for him. Wrapping myself in the blanket I decided to sleep in the couch tonight, i didn't feel like moving and it felt comfortable already, or its fear that's creeping into me.

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