You start training

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So a lot has happened. There was this chick named April you met. She seems pretty cool, but ehhhh. You're better. You're brothers watch over her like a sister, even though *cough* *cough* THEY HAVE ONE. Mikey digs her a bit to much. The dude in your dream is also real. Almost killed Splinter, oh and your home was blown to shreds, it took you guys a year to rebuild and fix everything. You're brothers almost died, Raph and April and some camera dude Vern teamed up to save them. Out of all that was going you brought Splinter to April's place and took care of him till the boys were back. Her roommate was kinda crazy. She called her mom and said how she wanted to go home? Like geez Splinter is just a giant right stop criticizing. But anyways!

Now after having to stay behind all those times of fighting. All those times you wanted to help but you couldn't. Splinter has decided to let you start training. Yo hate starting a bit late than your brothers, but your human and they're giant mutant turtles, so it's understandable. But you already have been working out and everything else since you were younger so you're at least in shape. Currently you and your brothers are standing in the training area. Splinter told Leo to start training today. So that's exactly what he did.
"Ok Y/N first thing is first. Basics." He whistled for Mikey and they got into a fighting stance. Leo gave him a nod and Mikey  charged him. Leo dodged a hit and kicked him than flipped him over his shoulder. Mikey groaned on the ground.
"Easy enough. I can fight Mikey though right?" You said nervously. Raph chuckled.
"Yea Pip Squeak. You can go against Mikey." Mikey frowned but you smiled.
"Raph can I play some music from your speakers?" You ask while going to get his speakers anyways.
"Raph music is a distraction." Leo snaps.
"Actually music calms-"
"Shut it Donnie." Leo glares at him. You come back with a speaker and start the music. CUE MUSIC.
You grabbed Mikey quickly and through him over your shoulder precisely.
"Good?" You ask as your brothers are silent.
"How did you-" Leo stayed but was interrupted.
"I have watched you guys for years. Every mistake, every technique. I think I'll learn pretty fast." You help Mikey up than flip him again.
"Ugh dudeeee." He groans. You giggle and look to Donnie. He puts down his bo staff and gets into a fighting. You smile.
"I'll go easy on you Sissy." He smiles.
"I won't." Than you charge at him. He sweep kicks you immediately and falls. You hop back up and throw a slow punch. He dodges it but you knee him.
"Ugh." He says while grabbing his stomach. You kick him in his shell and he falls forward. You dust off your hands even though they arent dirty.
"Thanks for going easy on me!" You say innocently.
" problem." He groans.
"Two down." You smirk. Raph charges you and picks you up. You maneuver on him to avoid getting body slammed. You were able to jump off him.
"Nice." He smirked. You smiled.
"I try." You throw two quick punches and two kicks to his plastron. He blocks the punches and the kicks. You frown.
"Just let me hit you!" You say while crossing your arms.
"Maybe another time. Speed up your attacks Pip Squeak." He messes up your hair and you growl at him.
"Ready for me?" Leo says while facing you. You get nervous.
"Not really. I couldn't even beat hothead." You say while crossing your arms.
"Tired out than?" He asks. You nod. He chuckles.
"Another Time Leo?" You ask. He smiles and nods.
"Tomorrow's training is at 12 till about 2." He sheathes his swords and walks off. Your other brothers go into different directions as well. You, on the other hand, are still standing in the same spot with your jaw open.

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