You get your weapon

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One year later

This is it. You are getting your weapon. Your brothers and splinter had a long discussion on what would work best for you. You had tried all your brothers weapons. You were terrible with Mikey's nunchucks. You had accuracy with Donnie's bo staff. Raph sias you were just good with using the handle to hit them. You were the best with Leo's Katana. But you didn't like using two and that they were so long. So now you are sitting on the training room's floor waiting patiently.
"I wonder if Mikey will let ME be the hype man for the Christmas hip hop album?" You asked yourself to be less bored. But soon enough your dad and your brothers came into the room.
"Dude your gonna love it!" Mikey said cheerfully earning a nudge from Donnie. You smile.
"My daughter. This is a precise weapon. Used by strong and powerful souls." He pulls out what you believe was a oriental sword. Your eyes go wide.
"Sensei is that a oriental-"
"Yes Y/N. You are ready to learn the art of the oriental sword." He slowly hands it to you as you stay kneeled on the ground. You try to not to burst with excitement.

"So proud of you sissy

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"So proud of you sissy." Donnie says with a smile. You smirk.
"I'm 13 now. You don't gotta call me little kid nicknames anymore." You look at all your brothers.
"To bad Pip Squeak." Raph says while chewing on his tooth pick. You roll your eyes with a smile.
"Thank you Sensei." You stand and how to him. You grab the clip and clip it to your pants. Followed by the sword. You do a twirl to make sure it stays on. You look up at Leo.
"Can I-" you start but Leo interrupted.
"Yes Bubba. You can come on patrol with us now." He high fives you and you squeak with a excitement.
"I get to go on patrollll. I get to go on patrollll." You chat while jumping around.
"Calm down Jellybean!" Mikey says with a chuckle. Splinter stroked his goatee with a chuckle. You pull out the sword stealthily and swipe it through the air. Than you stopped in mid swing.
"Asian girl has one of these..." You mumble. You drop the sword as you remember your nightmare. How she used this kind of sword to kill your brothers and Splinter.
"My daughter. I believe you can handle this weapon with the PROPER technique. I am fully aware of lethality of this sword. But I do believe you can provide the correct combat." Splinter says. You bow to him.
"Hai Sensei. Thank you." You look at your brothers with a smirk.
"Wanna practice with your new weapon?" Leo ask.
"I wanna go against you!" You say confidently while picking up your sword and holding it ready for combat. Leo chuckles and pulls out his katanas.
"Bring it on." He smiles and goes at you.
'Best day ever' You think while colliding your and his sword together.

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