You have to go to the hashi

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You were waiting in the lair for the guys to get back from the surface. You had to tell Splinter they were sleep in their rooms, because he doesn't like them going out. The only time he willingly let them leave was to show you the surface. You look at your watch.
"Oh they are soooo going to the Hashi." You say with a head shake. You head through the lair to where they keep their weapons. You hear them coming through. You see them coming your way.
"Oh shell." You move out the way expecting them to shoot through, but instead they all get stuck.
"Ugh! Hey! Watch it!" They shout at each trying to wiggle out of the pipe. And than Mikey lets one rip on all of them.
"Haha sorry dudes it was the pizza." Soon they got out and hung up their weapons. Than once again they start to fight again.
"The second I get the chance. I'm going on my own." Raph growls.
"What no you can't leave man! What about our hip hop Christmas album! You're the hype man!" Mikey adds in.
"Not anymore." Raph snarls. You frown.
"You're not leaving raphie." You pout and cross your arms. They turn to face you.
"Shh shh be quiet. No body is going anywhere." Leo glared at Raph. There was a moment of silence and you felt the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
"Guys. We got a boggie." Donnie says while putting on his glasses. You turn around and see Splinter pointing a flash light at all you.
"I told you not to go above ground!" He shouts. He uses his tail to take out all your bro's. First Leo with a quick hit. Than he chokes Raph. Than trips Donnie and Mikey. You try to sneak off but you feel his tail wrap around you.
"Dad no! I didn't go above ground!" You shout as he throws you with your brothers. You all groan.
"Y/N you lied to me. EVERYONE TO THE HASHI!" Your brothers groan and you panic. You look at Leo.
"I won't make it In the hashi!" You Shake Leo. He smacks your hands away.
"You'll live."
"NO I WONT!" You say overdramatically.

~Time Skip to the Hashi~

So there you all are. Leo is stuck doing the splits while balancing eggs. Donnie is balancing on cans and woods while bouncing ping balls back fourth all while spinning. Raph was standing on a tricycle with one foot while knitting. Mikey was stuck in a handstand on a chair. And finally, due to the fact you don't train or lift you got an easier punishment. You were holding a plank on 4 blocks of concrete. Two under both your arms. And two for your feet. You were in a sweat.
"So who would like to tell me why you all were above ground?" Splinter questions.
"I-I DIDNT go above ground Sensei!" You huff out. He ignores you and you groan.
"I ain't breaking if Raph ain't breaking." Leo says while staying focused.
"Well I ain't breaking if Donnie ain't breaking." Raph adds on.
"Experiencing intense nausea...but not breaking." Donnie says ready to vomit.
"I'm am totally in the zone. Nothing can break me." Mikey says calmly. Than Splinter through down a box of pizza. As he convinced your brothers to break you tried to focus. This is the most workout you beee did. I mean you don't train in fighting, but they still make you workout. You've never held a plank this long before. You look up and see everyone stopping what they are doing. They all groaned as Mikey ate a slice. You let out a sigh of relief and got up.
"Go find the girl!" Splinter snaps. You were confused at first because you stopped listening. Than Mikey repeats (slightly zoned out).
"Find the girl." Splinter than leaves. You look at your brothers.
"Bubba we are sorry but-" Leo started and you interrupted him.
"No buts! You guys screwed up and I had to take the blame for it too!" You give them the middle finger and storm to your room.
"WATCH IT MISSY!" Leo shouts but you ignore him. What a great day.

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