You get really depressed

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I do not condone anything of this nature.

Currently you're sitting on your bed staring at your sword. You just got back from patrol with your brothers, and you're still not speaking to Leo about the whole Karai thing. You didn't want to deal with that. The evil women who works for Shredder that wanted you dead, and HE WANTS TO BE FRIENDS WITH HER?! What?! Raph, on patrol, yelled at you for not being fast enough while beating up Rocksteady and Bebop. He called you slow and a slacker. you just want to lock yourself in your room and die. You gave up. You're dad is dead. You're brothers don't appreciate your existent. You just feel like such an extra in the family. You miss how it used to be. Dad always playing with you guys when you were little. Leo brushing your hair and telling you stories when you guys shared a room. You miss wrestling with Raph when he was gentle. You miss doing classes with Donnie as he taught you and Mikey. You missed the past.

"I-I don't want to be around anymore." You stutter while looking at your sword. Master Splinter once told you that he chose a white handle for your am sword to match the blissful ness and color of an angels wings. Well now you want to be that angel.

"Y/N we're heading to bed now." Mikey said while walking past your room.

"Night Mikey." You say quietly.

"You alright?" He says through your door.

"Yes Mikey. Good night. I love you." You say. You wait till you don't hear the cheerful chatters of your brothers. You look at your sword and slowly pick it up.

"Do I go up top or stay here..? Both are pretty shit I guess." You mumble to yourself. You grab your sword and head to the bathroom. Silently. Once your there you close the door and lock it. You slide to the ground and put your sword to your arm. You start at the crest of your arm and slowly start to slide down. You don't even shed a tear. You pull away the sword once you get to your wrist and watch as the blood seeps to the floor. With the strength you have left in your cut arm, you cut your other arm the same way.

"I love you Leo. I love you Donnie. I love you Raph. I love you Mikey." You whisper as the blood seeps into a puddle around your body. Your arms fall limp and you start to get light headed. Than there was a knock.

"Hey Sissy. You almost done in there?" Donnie said calmly.

"D-Donnie? Why are you up?" You try to speak normally but your voice is raspy.

"I never sleep. Are you alright?" Donnie tried the handle and it was locked.

"Y-Yea." You mumble. Everything starts to get fuzzy.

"Sissy?" But you didn't answer. You barely could hear him.

"Sissy? Y/N!?" He starts to try to get the door open. The sound wakes your other brothers and they come to his aid.

"Don? What's going on?" Leo says have asleep.

"Something is wrong with Y/N. She's not answering me anymore." Donnie says. Mikey goes to your room to see if your sword was where you left it. He rushes back in a panic.

"Get that door open." Mikey said lowly. Raph growls and breaks down the door. They stare in horror at your body laying limp on the floor.

"Donnie...uhh. Donnie." Leo didn't know what to say. Donnie picked you up quickly.

"I got it Leo. I'm taking her to the lab." He runs with you to his set up and sets you on a table. He gets a first aid kit and starts to immediately stitch up your arm.

"I-I'm Gonna c-clean the bathroom." Mikey said not able to look at you. Tears stream down his face. Leo grabs his little brother.

"Y-Y/N needs us right now. We all stay here." Leo says quietly. Raph won't speak. He pulls up a chair next to the table and grabs your hand.

"Donnie is she gonna be ok?" He says with actual nerves.

"I-I'm trying Raph. Her pulse is weak. She lost a lot of blood." Donnie says while finishing stitching one arm.

"What can we do?" Raph day quietly.

"In all honesty. She needs blood." Donnie looks up for a second but his brothers got the hint.

"Alright boys. We uhhh gotta go get some blood." Leo says trying to sound like a leader. But miserably fails.

"Are we robbing a hospital?" Mikey says looking between his brothers.

"Well fluids will only last so long. She needs blood." Donnie says almost done stitching up your other arm.

"You heard the doc. What's the game plan Fearless?" Raph says while standing up aggressively and standing in front of Leo.

"Mikey, You stay here with Donnie and Y/N in case he needs anything. Raph, you and me are gonna.....well....break into Saint Angels hospital around the corner....Donnie what's her blood type?" Leo asks while slightly looking at Donnie.

"AB-, luckily that's the universal retriever. So any blood type you find is good. Just hurry." Donnie says while finishing up his stitch. Leo and Raph give a nod and head out. Mikey looks at the slightly panicked Donnie.

"Is she gonna be ok?" Mikey says while taking your hand.

"I hope so..."

If anyone ever needs anything where you feel like this. You can also messaged me and I am willing to offer advice and help. I don't want any of you guys to end up like this. Where you think there is no hope and nothing left. Well there is always hope whether you have it now or later, there is hope.

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