Valentines day!

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This one is a bit late. But trust me I got this.

You woke up after a long nap and You rush onto Leo's bed because you two still share a room.
"Leo! Leo! Wake up!" You shove him repeatedly.
"Ughh what Bubba?" He groans while rolling over.
"Happy Valentine's Day! I love you!" You say while hugging him tightly. He chuckles while hugging you back.
"Awe. I love you too." He starts to get off the bed. You smile and rush to Mikey's room across the hall.
"MIKEY! Bro it's Valentine's Day! I love you!" You say while slamming his door open. He was already awake reading a ninja comic book.
"I love you more Jellybean!!!" He says while jumping up and giving you a bear hug. You giggle and pat his back.
"Alright Mike. Don't kill me. I gotta breath." You say as he slowly releases you. You turn and run out to Raph's room. You stop in front of the chipped and painted door.
"Do I walk in?.......yes yes I do." You slowly turn the nob and walk in. He was asleep in his on his plastron. You tip toe over and climb onto him.
"Happy Valentine's Day Raphie. I love you. Even when your mean." You nuzzle him a little bit. He groaned and turned over. You climbed onto his plastron now that he lays on his shell. He hugs you tightly.
"I'll let you coming in my room slide. This time only though. Love ya too Pip Squeak." He chuckles a little bit. You climb off him and he stands up.
"Now to Donnie!" You say while running and to the lab. It's not like Donnie sleeps anyways. You run pst his computers and go into the lab by the garbage truck. Of course he was working on it.
"Donnie!" You shout while pulling him out from under the car. He moves his glasses.
"Yea?" He says with a smile. You smile back.
"Happy Valentines Day big brother! I love you sooooo much!" You say while jumping onto him. He chuckles and hugs you.
"I love you too Sissy. Wanna help on the truck?" He asks while standing up.
"I will later. I'm gonna go see if Mikey wants to help me with breakfast. Or maybe Leo? I don't know! I know Raph wants to train." You say super excited.
"Why are you so hyper?" He asks raising an eyebrow.
"BECAUSE! I love you guys! I can make a little bit of time for all of you and no one will feel left out!" You say with a fist bump.
"We never feel left out anyways. Except Mikey. He's a bit emotional." Donnie chuckles. You give him another hug and rush to Splinters room.
"DAD! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! I LOVE YOU!" You shout while tackling him as he meditates. Well..was meditating.
"Hm my daughter. 16 years old and you still appreciate the holiday of care. You have a golden heart young one." He says while hugging you.
"Psh I know!" You hug him back. You smile up at him and run off again. He chuckles and goes back to mediating. You go to the kitchen.
"WHO WANTS TO HELP ME MAKE BREAKFAST!?" You shout so everyone can hear you.
"ME!" Mikey comes rushing into the room and almost plows you.
"Hehe I love ya Mike. I love Valentine's Day!" You say happily.
"Clam down. Your happiness hurts." Raph says while walking in. You roll your eyes.
"You're just mad that I'm happy and yourrrrrrr a depressed sad lonely turtle." You say while kicking the fridge closed. You hear a chuckle and see Leo and Donnie coming in.
"She got ya there Raph." Leo says while punching his shoulder.
"Whatever Fearless." He growls. You smile. Your brothers are awesome.

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