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Your slightly panicking in your room. You guys had to go save splinter. Your loving father. Your brothers are fifty fifty on you going but you convinced them. Currently you are preparing with everything you can. You put on different holsters for you knives and throwing stars. A taser. And finally your dragon sword. You grab a couple smoke bombs. You step out your room slowly. You look down the hall. Mikey steppes our of his and gave you a worried look. The others were at the computers making a plan. You two went up to join them.
"If they entered through the west wing. Than there should be an entrance from the sewers between tunnels 225-232. One of those tunnels has to lead to Shredders lair." Leo orders while trancing around the map.
"No no. He wouldn't go to his lair. He has Splinter. A mutant. He would go to Baxter's laboratory at TCRI." You add in pointing to a completely different tunnel system.
"Y/N has a point Leo." Donnie says while circling both targets with a marker.
"We are running outta time. Let's go beat some asses." Raph growls.
"Raphael we have to be careful." You say. Everyone's eyes were wide. You never use their full names unless it's serious situation that your terrified in.
"We need to stay calm dudes." Mikey says while hugging you. You keep a straight face.
"I think y/n has the best point. He would take Splinter to the lab." Leo states.
"But also remember when we were taken to the lair when Raph fought shredder." Donnie adds in.
"Split up?" You ask looking at the map.
"Not an option." Leo states seriously.
"Me. Donnie. And Mikey will go to the lab. You and Raph go to the lair." You say while beginning to walk off.
"Fine. But as soon as any of you get a site on Sensei we will regroup." Leo orders. You all give a nod.
"Good luck you two. I love you guys." You say while giving Leo and Raph a hug. Leo kisses your forehead and than they run off towards Shredder's lair. You look up at Donnie with some fear. He keeps a straight face and pulls you into a hug. You hug him tightly and look at Mikey. You give him a hug.
"Alright let's go Baxter's Lab." Donnie says seriously you all nod and run off.

At the lab

You guys enter through the vents and look down into TCRI.
"Alright you two. We are on the second floor. The lab is on the 10th floor. Let's get to the elevator shaft." Donnie orders.
"Alright Leader 2.0" you say with a smirk. Mikey chuckles. You guys crawl to the elevator shaft and jump down so your on top of the elevator.
"I'm gonna climb down there and hit the button. Don't move. Especially you Mikey." You say while opening the hatch and jumping Down. You go to hit the button, but the doors open. Three foot bits step in and look at you before pulling out swords.
"Wait. This isn't the bathroom. Whoops." You say with smile. You pull out your sword and begin to attack them. You end up kicking them out the elevator and closing the doors. You hit the button and jump back up through the hatch as the elevator moves. Donnie helps you up.
"Nice one Jellybean." Mikey says fist bumping you.
"Well I AM the best." You say while flipping your hair. The elevator continues to climb, until it stops and there's a ding. You peek down through the hatch to see if anyone was there. Empty. Perfect. You jump down first to make sure it's clear. Than your brothers follow. You scan the lab quickly and immediately see something.
"Guys. Look." You point to a puddle on the other side of the glass walls. You guys go into the main lab area and kneel down to the puddle.
"It's blood." Donnie says while putting his glasses down. Your heart races.
"Splinters..?" You fearfully ask.
"No. His blood doesn't look like. This is a normal humans blood. Splinter isn't here." Donnie says while looking around. Mikey scans the room next and throws a smoke bomb down. He pulls you back to the elevator and closes the door.
"Mikey what was that!?" You shout while throwing your arms up.
"Cameras. They were watching us! They gotta be at the lair." He says while climbing up.
"Leo and Raph..." You whisper while pulling out your phone. You dial Leo. It continues to ring.
"Come on come on. Pick up!" You say while shaking. No answer. You call Raph.
"Ahhhh I've been waiting for your call." It was a deep voice.
"Shredder..." You growl. Donnie and Mikey look at you with fear. But we already hung up.
"What was that?" Mikey asked confused.
"He hung up?"
"Oh shit. He probably just tracked us. He need to get there soon." Donnie snaps while jamming the elevator with his bo staff. You guys grab to climb down the wires to make it to the bottom where there's an entrance to the sewer. As you guys climbed the elevator began to go down. You being you jumped down the rest of the way.
"Come on!!! Jump!" You shout to your brothers once you landed. They do as you said. Donnie lifts up the sewer gate and you climb down first. Than Mikey. Than quickly Donnie does right as the elevator hit the ground.
"Alright. Let's go save our brothers." You say to your remaining two brothers.
"Alright B-Team on the move!" Mikey says happily.
"No mikey. Don't call us that." Donnie says while face palming himself.

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