You Meet HIM again

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And now we have our favorite street punks. BACK TO THEIR NORMAL SELVES. Mutation story coming up to explain everything Bc I know they were humans a while back.

You were out on patrol with your brothers. The moon was full and you were excited to be out. Mikey was kinda freaked out about the full moon idea because he can be superstitious.

"Yo Donnie! If a werewolf bites me does that mean I become a werewolf?" Mikey asks.

"No mikey..." Donnie mumbled.

"Mikey come here and let me hit you." Raph growls. You couldn't help but laugh. You peep over a building to get a view of the city. But you begin to notice a group of purple dragons surrounding a person in an alley.

"Hey guys. Look. What are they up to?" You say while tilting your head slightly.

"Let's find out." Raph says with a smirk. He puts a tooth pick in his mouth. Leo nods in agreement. But before you guys can make any moves, one by one the purple dragons are thrown out of the alley unconscious.

"What the-? Donnie?" You ask while turning to your older brother. Donnie opens his hologram

"I'm detecting a single active heat signature. Seems to be just a regular human knocking out some PDs." Donnie says while closing his hologram. You lean closer to the edge of the building to see if you can get a glimpse. You see a flash of blue and green.

"Leo?" You mumble.

"I'm behind you stupid." Leo says as you jump. Raph catches you form falling off the building.

"Did you see that?" You ask as you catch another glimpse.

"Y/N this isn't much of a problem. The purple dragons got their asses handed to them. Nothing we need to do." Donnie says while starting to walk away. You're brothers followed him.

"Well I'm checking it out." You say and climb down the fire escape.

"Y/N- ughhhh knock it off!" Raph snaps. But you are already running across the street into the alley. The figure has his back towards you as he sends a text on his phone.

"Excuse me? You just fucked up some purple dragons by yourself. I'd like a word." You say while tapping his shoulder. He turns to you. You jump as you notice he's a mutant turtle. But not like your brothers. Shorter and not as turtle. He's definitely a turtle though.

"We meet again toots~" He purrs with a smirk. You recognize that voice.

"I don't recall meeting another turtle." You say while pushing him into the shadows.

"No no sweetheart. You met me as a human. Remember me? Swift~" He says while pulling you more into the shadows. You're brothers lose sight of you.

"Swift? As in leader of gang that crappily kidnapped me?" You say surprised.

"Yea toots~. But back then we were humans. There was some crazy shit that went down and this liquid spilled on me and my bros one night while we were trying to rob a convenient store." He says checking his surroundings.

"Karmas a bitch." You mutter. He chuckles. A cute chuckle.

"I'm not that bad once you get to know me. And neither are my brothers. Here's my number toots~ give me a call sometime." He says while grabbing a pen from his jacket pocket. He wrote his number on your hand. Now that you looked at his Jacket, it's exactly the one he wore when he kidnapped you. And the belt! No one has skull designs like this dude.

"Quit calling me toots and you got yourself a deal Swift." You say with a sly smile. He gives a heart melting smirk before climbing the fire escape. You run back to the fire escape that you climbed down if and climbed back up.

"Oh my god Jellybean! We lost sight of you! Raph was about to go down there and beat who ever it was up!" Mikey said while hugging you. You laugh and hug him back.

"Chill Mikey. I can handle myself."

"That's what I told them." Leo says with a heart warming smile. He's letting you be on your own!

"Thank you Leo."

"Hey Pip Squeak! Don't get any ideas! You're still our little sis and we protect ya." Raph says while pulling you into a noogie. You punch his arm and  try to get out of the headache.

"Hey Raph! Quit it!" You laugh. He lets you go with a chuckle.

"Alright children. Let's head back home. Nothing much goin on tonight." Leo says with a swift hand motion to follow him. Everyone followed after him. As you ran behind everyone you looked at the number on your hand.

'I can't tell my brothers. They wouldn't allow it. I have to keep this a secret.' You thought.

"Hey Sissy! Catch up." Donnie laughs.

"Shush Nerd! I'm coming!"

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