Kidnapped part2

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"Just kill me." You groan while throwing your head back in the chair that your tied too.
"What?" Mc said confused.
"Just. Kill me. This is too much work." You groan out.
"Uhhh I mean- ummm can we keep her??" Jade says while pulling in Ghost.
"Jade we aren't keeping her." Swift snaps causing  Jade to roll your eyes.
"You guys just aren't slick. It's just...sad. Ya know? Like ugh. Honestly this is the most entertainment I've had in a while." You rant.
"..shut the fuck up.." Ghost growls while loading a magazine. You frown and turn to Mc.
"So you must be the fun one in the group?" You say while slightly struggling to get zipties off your wrists.
"Bro yes. Finally someone noticed!" He says cheerfully.
"Yea so maybe. Just maybe. You wanna be cool and untie me?" You say with a smile.
"Mc She's lying and tricking you. We all know you aren't the fun one." Rebel says while pushing Mc away from you.
"Bro Yea I am! You cook all the time!" He says shoving Rebel away.
"Someone has to cook!" He snaps while shoving Mc back.
"Pst Jade come here." You whisper while they fight. She comes towards you.
"Do they always fight? Like is this a daily thing?" You ask.
"Actually usually it's Swift and Rebel." She says with a shrug.
"Yea I feel Raph and Leo always-" You realized what you said a shut up. She turns to you.
"Those names sounds familiar..." She growls.
"What names?" You say looking around noticing that you have everyone's attention now.
"The ones you just said Dude." Mc says while joking the others as they surround you.
"Uuhhh uhhhh. Twinkle twinkle little slut. Name a guy you haven't fucked. Was he skinny? Was he tall? Doesn't matter you fucked them all. Twinkle twinkle little bitch. Close your legs it smells like fish." You sing out while looking straight ahead not making an eye contact.
"Hehe I like that one." Swift chuckles that earned an elbow to the side from Rebel.
"....say the names or I shoot you.." Ghost says happily giving you a multitude of options.
"Can I rename you? What about Gummy bear? Cause your cute BUT SO BAD FOR PEOPLE!" You snap. Jade slaps you.
"Ahh I feel better now that I did that." She says happily.
"You slap like a bitch. But a weak bitch. Cause there are some bitches that hit pretty hard. Cough cough ME." You say while struggling in the zip ties again.
"Bros can we please just keep her?!" Mc begs.
"I kinda want to now." Swift adds.
"N-No! We aren't keeping- omg you guys are dumb." Jade says while face palming herself.
"Me too girl. Me too. Hey I'm thirsty. Could I be annoying enough that you'll let me go? Wanna make a tik tok?" You ask. They look at you confused. Except Jade.
"Bitch hell yea. Renegade. Renegade-." She was cut off by Ghost putting a hand over her mouth.
"...don't get her started..." He growls.
"I'm just trying to waste your time." You say with a smile.
"Why? What time do you think we have? You think we have lives?" Swift says with a laugh.
"Dumbass. She means to be rescued." Rebel said while hitting upside the head. Swift went serious.
"Give us $5000 and you can leave." He threatened.
"Bro look at me. I'm a 16 year old girl that lives in the sewers. Do you REALLY think that me off all people have $5000?" You say with an eye roll.
"She's got a point dude." Mc says while giving Swift a shrug.
"What do you mean you live in the sewers?" Jade asked suspiciously.
"Uhhh homeless?" You try to be as non suspicious as possible.
" have a brand new Nike hoodie on and Adidas sweatpants..." Ghost adds while crossing his arms.
"Uhhhhh donations?" You say with a nervous smile.
"Wow we finally found ya." You turn to the left and see Raph walking outside the shadows of the abandoned airplane hanger. Yep. That's where your stuck.
"Heyyyyyyyyy." You say innocently.
"Why do you always get yourself into trouble Jellybean?" You see Mikey follow in behind him. Jade and Ghost lull out guns and point them at your two brothers. Mikey and Raph are not phased.
"Who the fuck are you freaks?" Mc says while resting his bat on his shoulder. Jade gave him a glare as her tail swished behind her.
"Well there's controversial dispute on whether or not we count as amphibians or not. But we prefer just being classified as turtles." You look up and see Donnie on one of the beams sitting there.
"I kinda missed you D." You said with a smile.
"Y/N we are having a long talk when we get home." You turn your head to the right and see Leo walking in with his katanas out. You panic slightly knowing he's mad at you. You turn to Swift and Rebel.
"Keep me. Just keep me. Or kill me. Leo and Raph might actually kill me!" You say to them. They roll their eyes.
"Family drama? With mutant turtles?" Swift asks still slightly surprised. You nod your head.
"Bro I want mutant brothers. Can you guys become mutants like Jade?" Mc asked with a nervous chuckle forgetting that Jade was part wolf.
"I will slit your throat Mc." She threatens with a growl. Ghost smirks as Mc let's out a nervous chuckle.
"Don grab Y/N. We can take care of the others." Leo orders. Mikey and Raph pull out their weapons. Donnie jumps down and is standing behind you. Ghost and Jade charge at him while the others go for your other brothers. Your brothers are gonna destroy them. Donnie pulled out his bo staff and opened the tasers on each side. He jabbed Jade and Ghost in the stomach with them and they fell.
"Can I have my sword?" You ask innocently. He sighs and puts it on the ground. He gets to work on the zip ties.
"I don't understand why you would do this Sissy. You could have told us. Or if anyone at least me." He says while getting the zip ties off you. You pick up your sword.
"I don't know Donnie. I just- I don't know. You guys left me out of everything. I'm a full kunoich now. You guys don't realize that." You say quietly.
"We still don't want you getting hurt or into trouble. Like this." He says swaying a hand across the whole building to get his point across.
"Ok BUT that was unplanned." You try to defend yourself.
"Exactly my point. It's always unplanned. You gotta be able to make a plan out of a situation like this. Like how Leo does." He says while putting a hand on your shoulder. You look up and see your brothers all standing their. You look around and see the street punks just all laying on the ground unconscious.
"Let's just go home..." You whisper. Donnie smiles and turns his shell you to you.
"Shell ride?" He asks. You giggle.
"Maybe when you don't have all the electronics in the world, Big brother. Come here." You summon Leo and kneels down for you to climb on. You avoid the swords.
"Let's head home now. Boys. Fall out." Leo orders and into the night you guys go.

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