You get a pet XD

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(This about to be a funny chapter. Btw that^ is a hyena. Harley Quinn birds of Prey vibes)

You have been asking Leo of you could get a pet for years. He always said no. Donnie and Mikey both thought it would be fun to have a pet. Donnie preferred you having a dog. But Mikey wanted you to have a hedgehog. Raph was 50/50 with it. He thought it would be good for you to have a pet after Master Splinter passed away. But he also didn't want anything else in the lair. He also said if it had to be anything it would be either a dog or cat. Nothing exotic. BUT LEO, he just never agreed. It always a no  from him and he never gave a real reason. It made you mad. He even said to a fish! A FUCKING FISH! But now, after all those times of asking, he said you can get a dog. So now yo I are walking down the ghetto streets of New York.

"A dog? Yea yea. Lots of positives. But can I train it to fight on patrol? My little guard dog? Hmmm German Shepard? Pit bull? Ugh I can't decide." You talked to yourself out loud.

"I know someone who can get you exactly what you" You turn and see a guy in a backwards hat with a leather jacket on and sweatpants. Terrible combo.

"Uhhh who are you?" You ask while sliding you're hand onto your sword handle.

"Just the business type... come with me." He says while walking down the street. You look around. You one was watching you two. No one was questioning you. You can defend yourself right? Against this guy? Yea you could kill him.

"Where are we going?" You ask suspiciously. Going darker into the streets of New York.

"Into that warehouse." He pointed to a small and mysterious building. As you guys neared it. He opened the door for you and you both stepped in.

"This is such a bad idea." You mumble while now gripping your sword. You had your T-phone in your pocket if your brothers are needed.

"Come child." He says while walking to to another door of the building. More like the 'back room' of it. Inside we're cages if exotic animals. Exotic birds. Poisonous snakes. Tarantulas. Piranhas. They're all here.

"Oh my..." You mumble while holding your sword tightly. You couldn't decide if to attack the man or look around.

"Before you feel the need to attack. Please let me show you what I have." He ushers you to more cages. Than in the corner. You see it.

"Is that-"

"Yes. A hyena. Spark an interest?" He says as you stepped closer. The hyena growled at the man but once it saw you. It calmed down and licked your hand through the cage.

"Yes..." You take out your sword and break the lock on it. The hyena escapes. The man jumps in fear.

"Boy or girl?" You say with a smirk as the hyena got closer to the man.

"Boy..." He cowers in fear.

"His name shall be Bruce." You say with a smirk. You snap your fingers and Bruce backs down.

"That'll be $1000.." He says taking a step back.

"Or I don't pay you and I just spare your life." You say with an evil smirk. Bruce growls. He nods.

"Fair deal." He lets you and Bruce walk past. You grab a black leash that was hanging up, you'll get a collar soon.

"Let's go Bruce." You say while beginning to run. Bruce runs after you.

Short Time skip

You're walking down the street with Bruce by your side. You got him a spike collar but have not yet gone home to tell your brothers. You keep getting scared looks from people on the streets. Bruce is very obedient and listens to your every command. You love him! He also is very protective and will be a great fighting partner. But for right now, you gotta figure out how to tell your brothers.

"What do we do Bruce?" You ask looking down at him. He looks up at you.

"You're right. Let's just go home. They'll understand." You head to a sewer entrance and climb down half way. Now your top half is left showing.

"Ok Bruce. Climb on me." You say. He obeys. You close the lid and climb into the sewers. Bruce hops off and you start to run to the lair. He, of course, follows. You continue to run until you see the familiar entrance of home.

"Alright Bruce. Do not attack anyone in here. Unless you see Vern. God I hate that guy." You say while entering home.

"Hey Sissy you're- why do you have a hyena?" Donnie says while putting his glasses over his eyes. You shrug.

"You guys didn't say I couldn't use the black market to get a pet. So I got a hyena. This is Bruce!" You say happily.

"Did I hear, HYENA? AWESOME!" Mikey says while jumping over the couch to come closer to you. Bruce sits as Mikey pets him.

"He's quite Obedient to me." You say proudly.

"You do know they eat raw meat right?" Donnie say shaking his head.

"Yea! I'll just buy deer meat from the corner butcher shop. I thought this through." You say while putting a blanket on the ground for Bruce to lay on.

"Y/N HAMATO!! IS THAT A HYENA?!" Leo's voice boomed the light he lair. Raph was behind Leo as they walked out the dojo.

"Cool you got eyes." You say while sitting next to Bruce.

"HE HAS TO GO." Leo Shouted at you while taking a threatening step. Bruce growls.

"Sshhh shhh it's ok Bruce. Do not attack. Not yet." You say with a smile.

"I think it's pretty cool Fearless." Raph says while crossing his arms. You nod at Raph.

"Exactly. You never told me that I couldn't buy off the black market." You say shrugging. Leo is angry.

"Get rid of him." Leo snapped.

"No. Leo come on. Please. He's harmless until I tell him otherwise. He's obedient and Protective. He will always protect me!" You defend. Leo didn't know that. He took in a deep breath and looked to his brothers. They are allowing you to have him. It's just...Leo.

"Fine. You can have him. But if something happens it's on you." He storms out the room.

"Clever one kid. Kinda funny." Raph says while smirking. He than follows Leo.

"Sissy could I possibly study him. To learn about them?"

"I'd you don't hurt him D."

"Can I play fetch with him?" Mikey says happily.

"Just don't hurt him. Or make him do stupid stuff. He's intelligent. Don't dumb him down. Now excuse me. I gotta show Bruce around." You say while snapping your fingers. Bruce begins to follow you around.

"I'm gonna love your company." You say to him. He looks at you, you definitely think he's smiling.

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