They accidentally hurt you

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I'm bringing out my rock side while I write this. So there's a good song for how your brothers feel. These happen on different days btw.


You were walking around yours and Leo's room. There was nothing to do and you were so bored. Your brothers had to go to the hashi because they snuck out for the first time they should be almost done. But you swear, they always seem to be in the hashi. They like getting into trouble. You walked around the room waiting for Leo so you guys can watch tv. He put the remote on a high place so you can't get it.
"It's your fault we were in there this time!" You hear Raph shout.
"My fault! You were one who snuck out in The first place! We followed you!" Leo yelled back. He was getting closer.
"Ugh all they do is fight." You mumble under your breath. You got an idea and decided to scare Leo. You hid under his bed and waited for him to come in.
"Sorry Bubba we took so long, Raph- Bubba where are you?" He walked towards his bed. That's when you popped out and grabbed his ankle.
"I got you!" You shout. Leo has reflexes and accidentally kicked you in the face. Your nose started bleed. You began to cry under the bed.
"Bubba! I'm so so sorry." He lifts his bed up as you Crawl out.
"It- It hurts!" You cry while blood flowed on your hands. Leo picks you up.
"Let's get you to Donnie. He's been studying up with medical stuff." He walks you to Donnie's room. Donnie is sitting on his bed reading a medical book.
"Hey Leo. What happened to Sissy?" Donnie says while setting you on his bed. He tilts your head back.
"I-I kicked her. It was an accident!" Leo hugged you as Donnie checked you out.
"She will be fine. Just a little bloody nose." Donnie says while giving you a tissue.
"I'm sorry Bubba." Leo says while hugging you tightly.


You were walking into Raph's room to get him up for breakfast. You always have to wake him up because the others are to lazy to do it.
"Raphie." You say while nudging him. He groans.
"Ugh leave me alone Pip Squeak." He rolls over facing his shell to you.
"Come on Raphie. I'm hungry. And I can't eat until you get in there!" You push him harder. He doesn't budge. You climb onto his bed and start hitting him.
"Knock if off!" He growls lowly. You aren't really scared of Raph because that's just his personality.
"I'm not leaving till you get up!" You shout at him. He turns and throws you into the wall.
"I SAID KNOCK IT OFF!" He shouts at you while you lay on the ground. You start to slowly sob. You hold your stomach. The pressure he placed on your stomach made you want to vomit.
"I-I'll just go." You tried not to cry in front of him because he always makes fun of you for it. He jolts up and faces you.
"Are you ok Pip Squeak?" He asks while getting off his bed and rushing to your side. You couldn't hold it back and started to cry.
"You hurt my tummy!" You shout at him. He rubs your stomach.
"I'm so sorry Pip Squeak. I didn't mean it. I really didn't this time." He pulled you into a hug gentle hug. He only ever hugs you. You nuzzle into his shoulder and wrap your arms around him.
"I'm hungry." You groan.
"Let's go get food ok? Shell ride?" He asks. You smile and nod. He turns around and you hop onto his back/shell. You wrap your arms around him.
"I forgive you." You whisper to him. He smiles.


You were sitting on Donnie's spinning chair while we typed on his computers. Apparently he was putting in a security alarm for the lair. You just kept spinning though.
"Having fun Sissy?" He asks while looking at you.
"Yea!" You say happily.
"Wanna learn to use a computer?"
"No I'm good. Thanks though." You say while continuing to spin.
"Wanna play on a hover board?" He asks with a smirk. Your eyes light up.
"Well Mikey was supposed to be the test subject, but you could try it if you want. As long as I'm right here." He pulls out some kind of advanced skateboard.
"Is that for Mikey?" You ask in awe.
"At some point." Donnie says while placing his glasses over his eyes so we can see how to turn it on. Once he did he set it on the ground. It hovered there. You hopped off the chair and climbed onto it. Donnie held you steady by your waist.
"I can do it by myself D!" You say while holding out your arms.
"I'm not taking the chance of you hurting yourself, Sissy." He says while you slowly leaned forward and it moved.
"Woah! Let go of me Donnie! I can do it!" You smack his hand away.
"Ok fine. Just cause you have your balance." He slowly lets go of you. You smile and lean forward, the board moves as you shift your weight.
"Look at me big brother!" You say while looking at him. He smiles. But than you lose your balance and the board flies out from underneath your feet. It starts going haywire. Than it disappears into Mikey's room.
"DUDES A HOVERBOARD JUST FLEW IN HERE! DIBS!" You both hear Mikey shout. The pain was kicking in. You fell and landing on your wrist.
"D-DONNIE!" You shout at him. He kneels down to you while you hold your wrist. He looks at it.
"Damn it Sissy. You twisted it."
"No b-bad words. L-Leo will yell at you!" You sob.
"Ok ok. Lemme grab a wrist brace. Come here." He picks you up and carried you to his room, he sets you onto the bed.
"It hurts!" You cry.
"I'm sorry Sissy. I thought you can handle it. I should have kept helping you." He says while finally finding a brace. He puts it on your wrist.
"I-I told you to let go of me. So I forgive you." You hug him and he hugs you back.
"I should probably go get that board from Mikey." He says with a chuckle. You smile.


"There yes go!" Mikey was teaching you how to ride his skateboard. It was easier than the hoverboard Donnie let you ride last week.
"I gotta push off right?" You ask while slowing down.
"Yea!" He encourages. You start to push off the ground and pick up speed.
"This is fun!" You say while skating around.
"You're a natural Jellybean!" He says while catching up to you.
"Teach me a trick!" You say while stopping and picking up the board.
"I don't think Leo would be to happy with me if I did." He said while fidgeting with his hands.
"Than let's not tell him silly!" You say while tapping your helmet. He chuckles.
"Ok fine. One trick. A simple Ollie."
"It's the name of the trick. It's a kick flip. Just kick the back of the board while jumping up." Mikey takes the board and demonstrates. You nod in understanding. He hands you back the board. You set it on the ground.
"I'll help yo hand I'll be right here if you fall." He says while standing next to you. You stand onto the board and he helps you balance so you can do the trick. As your about to do it you hear a familiar voice:
"MIKEY DO NOT TEACH Y/N TRICKS!" Leo yelled from the balcony. You got distracted and messed up the trick. Mikey wasn't paying attention and didn't catch you. You stubbed you're toe on the board. You grabbed it and started crying while you lay on the ground. Mikey finally realized what happens and quickly gets to your side.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He says while rocking you. You slowly calmed down.
"Nice going Mikey, you ok Bubba?" Leo asks from the balcony. You look up and nod at him.
"Mikey is forgiven. Because it was your fault!" You point at Leo and shake your head. He rolled his eyes and walked away.
"Wanna just play video games instead?" Mikey asks you.
"Yea. Less painful." You smile as he carries you to the couch.

If you haven't noticed. You have nicknames from the all.
Leo- Bubba
Raph- Pip Squeak
Donnie- Sissy
Mikey- Jellybean (Bc he wanted that to be ur name in the first place)

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