You get hurt

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Dad said you were old enough to go to the surface with your brothers. But he isn't letting you train yet.which you were looking for a fight so it's ok!
"Ok make a left and wait for the subway. Than we will hope on top of it and exit at-" You interrupted Leo.
"Hop on top of it? HOP ON TOP OF IT?! How the hell do I do that?!" You panic.
"Language." Leo says threateningly.
"I'll throw you up there Pip Squeak." Raph says with a smirk while you all walk to the subway.
"I'm not a rag doll. You'll throw me right over it!" You say while flicking Raph's muscles.
"You can hop onto my shell?" Donnie offers.
"Donnie. Sweet sweet Donnie. YOU ARE CARRYING THE MOST TECHNOLOGY ON YOUR BACK THAT IVE EVER SEEN." You snap at him. He shrugs.
"I gotchu Jellybean" Mikey says confidently.
"Uhhhh. Ummmm Leo you got me?" You say while turning to Leo instead of Mikey. He smiles and nods. You guys head to the subway station at the exact time a cart passes by. Leo picks you up and they all made a running start and hopped on.

~Time Skip to the surface~

You guys stood on one of the nearby roofs taking in the view. It was pretty. Very city like.
"You guys get to see this a lot?" You ask with A smile.
"Well. Whenever dad lets us out." Leo says with a chuckle. You look around, than the hairs on the back of your neck stood up.
"Guys...I know I'm not a kunoich yet. But someone is watching us." You whisper to them without breaking the gaze from the city. Your brothers froze and pulled out their weapons. A girl about Leo's age stepped out the shadows. She was Asian. And definitely gave bad vibes.
"Bad vibes! Bad vibes!" You shout while hiding behind Donnie.
"Turtles?" She hissed out.

(My idea of young karai)

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(My idea of young karai)

"That obviously huh?" Raph said sarcastically. You took a step forward to reveal yourself.
"Awe and a human girl." The girl was definitely close to Leo's age.
"Yea! Bully!" You shout while leaning close to Raph. She wore a tight black outfit that fit her body. She had a small sword on her hip. Leo pulled out his katanas.
"Foot attack!" She ordered and than disappeared.
"DUDES WE CANT BEAT FEET!" Mikey also yells. A bunch of ninjas with swords popped out.
"THEY GOT SWORDS!" You said in a high pitched voice.
"Pip squeak stay by Donnie ok?" Raph says calmly. You nod and rush to Donnie's side. He pulls out his bo staff and put his glasses over his eyes. He spins it around and pops out the laser ends.

You hide behind him while your other three brothers charged at the "foot"

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You hide behind him while your other three brothers charged at the "foot".
"Guys! I know who they are! They go by the Foot Clan! They have been terrifying New York City for years!" Donnie says while smacking one of them away.
"Alright! Bash some heads!" Raph says happily. You backed up from Donnie slightly in fear as more Foot Clan ninjas came towards your brothers. Than someone grabbed you from behind.
"AHHHH MMMMM!" You began to yell but a hand covered your mouth. Donnie turned around and saw the girl holding you, her sword in her hand.
"Ma'am let her go. She has no part of this." Donnie state's. The girl growled and cut your arm before disappearing. Your arm began to bleed everyone. You screamed, causing all your brothers to rush to you. Raph and Leo finishes off the last of the ninjas.
"We need get back to the lair." Donnie says while putting a cloth to your wound. Raph picks you up and you rush back to the lair.

~At The Lair ~

Raph set you on a table that Donnie had. Donnie than pulled out a med kit and pulled out some liquid. But you recognized the bottle.
"No! No! That burns! You used to put that on me when I was little!" You scream and kick as Donnie got closer.
"It needs to be cleaned Sissy. Just please stay calm." Raph and Leo grabbed your arms as Mikey attempted to talk to you.
"Everything go is gonna be ok Jellybean. I promise." Mikey calms you as Donnie puts the liquid on the cut. You scream and cry more. But Raph and Leo has you pinned good. Than Donnie pulled out a needle.
"I'm sorry Sissy but this is the worst part. I need to numb it." He says while Leo gave Donnie your arm. You screamed and squirmed as Donnie approaches you with the needle. They held you tight as Donnie put the needle in your arm. You screamed until the numbing kicked in. You soon calmed down and Donnie proceeded to stitch the cut. Once he was done your brothers cuddled you as you cried slightly. You soon calmed down and fell asleep.

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