Casey Jones ?

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So that fight went SWELLLL. Nah it actually failed. You guys all went back to the lair as the sun began to rise. Leo called a team meeting.
"So far what we know is that Baxter Stockman is working with the Shredder and Foot Clan." Leo started.
"I ran an analysis on the video of Shredder. It seems that something had pulled him into a portal to another location." Donnie adds in as well.
"I realized THAT I DIDN'T GET TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THAT!" You say while slamming your hands in the table. Leo glares at you.
"That's enough Y/N. You will be helpful soon. But right now we need to figure out what Shredder is planning." Leo says while glaring at you. You stand up.
"Whatever Leo. If this doesn't involve me, I'll be in the dojo if you need me." You begin to walk away but Raph grabs your wrist.
"This involves all of us Pip Squeak. Now sit." He pulls you into the chair. You put your elbows on the table and placed your face in your hands.
"He's got a team. And he has a plan. If he is making a portal something is coming through right?!" Leo said while eyeing all of you. You shrug.
"He probably just want to kill us all." You sarcastically say while putting your head on the table.
"Obviously. It's ok to be slow." Mikey says while patting your head. You lift up your head and glare at him.
"It was sarcasm dimwit." You lay your head back down.
"Well we can't find anything till night fall." Raph says while leaning back in his chair.
"Guess we gotta wait." Donnie says while getting up to his computers. You get up too.
"I'm going to train." You finally say while walking away.
"Loose the attitude." Leo snaps. You just keep walking.

Time skip to night fall

So we are heading out for patrol. You changed into your workout outfit and grabbed your sword. You walk out to the exiting part of the sewer to meet up with your brothers.
"Keep an eye out for anything suspicious." Leo says. We all nod and head out. Once we got to the surface, we quickly climbed onto a nearest roof. You take a moment to look around.
"Ahh I love it up here. It's pretty." You say to your brothers who you thought were listening. You look around and see they ditched you.
"Bruh." You groan while making a run for it. You soon seen them hopping onto another roof. You catch up to them.
"welcome back to reality." Raph says with a laughing snort. You roll your eyes.
"Thanks for ditching me." You mumble. You hear a car horn and cars screeching to a stop.
"Guys wait! Somethings going on!" You shout while stopping. You see two foot soldiers and April. She's running in the opposite direction of you guys.
"What is it Y/N?" Leo asks annoyed.
"Look!" You point. Donnie puts his glasses on and than another pair on top of those.
"It's April!" He says.
"No duh!" You wave your hands in the air.
"Let's go boys." Leo snaps. Your brothers jump away. You groan.
"WHAT ABOUT ME!?" You scream while following after them. You jump into the alley following your brothers. Raph through one of his sias towards some dude in a hockey mask. You rush up to April.
"You good?" You ask. But she's ignoring you and smiling at the dude. But now his mask is off. You start staring too.
"Hiii." You say. He smiles at you. Then the dude pulled April away from your brothers.
"We. Are. Not. F-O-O-D." He says while making hand motions. Awe great Mikey and Raph smirked at each other. I feel bad for the dude. As they talk you turn to Leo.
"What was April doing that made the foot clan want her?" You ask. He looks down at you.
"We are about find out." You both turn back to the others.
"Nah I'm just playing I'm a vegan. Except for eggs. And milk. And meat." Mikey spins his nunchucks. You chuckle.
"April can we talk to you for a second?" Leo calls April to him. You go with Raph and Mikey and mess with the dude.
"Why are you with them?! You're human." He says while looking at you. You shrug.
"Cause I love them and they raised me. You're judging them by their looks? Typical." You roll your eyes.

Summary bc I'm lazy

So apparently after all this. That dude is named Casey Jones and is an ex police officer. He is hunting down two criminals -mustangs named Bebop and Rocksteady. April stole a purple ooze from Baxter Stockman and little dart with the ooze in it. Oh oh you and your brothers tricked Casey into standing against Splinter. That was funny. Once Casey and April left, due to the fact the sun was rising, you guys had to stay under ground and do nothing. Raph deflated your soccer ball in about 10 seconds and yea. It's gonna be a long night. Right now your sitting with Donnie in his lab.
"Whatcha doin big bro?" You ask while leaning over his shoulder.
"I'm looking at the genetic and chemical make up of this ooze. It's nothing I've ever seen before." He flips another set of glasses over his already set glasses, to get a closer look. You watch weirdly.
"It's so weird that this stuff can make mutants. Like this is like a different chemical that made you guys!" You say trying to sound smart.
"Wait Y/N you're genius!" Donnie says while putting the chemicals in a thingy and it started to spin.
"Donnie what-"
"If this stuff can turn people into animals. Than it should be able to turn animals into humans if properly synthesized!" He says while picking up the test tube and putting the liquid into a dropper. He puts some on his hand. His three fingers turn into five fingers. He puts his hand up to yours and you smile. Than his hand goes back to turtle normal.
"Are you tellin-"
"I gotta tell Leo about this!" And with that Donnie runs off. You frown.

"I love you guys the way you are...." You say quietly while going to your room.

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