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Your in the living room with your brothers watching tv. Raph is reading a comic book and Leo is relaxing, for once in his life. Donnie is being Donnie and reading a physics book. Mikey was shoving pizza in his face. Everything was calm.
"Guys this is a personal opinion but ummm, is it to quiet?" You ask while looking around.
"Yea. Cause Mikey isn't running his mouth." Raph says with a laugh.
"No I'm serious. There's no alarms are going off. No screaming. It's just...silent." You say while turning to Leo. He shrugs.
"Shredder was destroyed by Kraang. So the Foot Clan is weak." He says while going back to the tv.
"But shouldn't we be doing stuff to make sure they don't gain power. What about Bebop and-"
"Y/N stop. You're overthinking everything." Donnie says looking up from his book.
"You always over think just not about the right things!" You snap. There was a moment of silence before an alarm began to blare. You all rushed to Donnie's computers.
"We have a heat signature detection from the west wing. Pulling up security camera now." Donnie hit a button and a camera screen was shown. Bebop and Rocksteady we're pushing each other around.
"Wait but how?! Casey took care of them!" Raph says in anger while punching Donnie's desk.
"They're dumb enough. Let's get 'em!" You shout while grabbing your sword. Your brothers follow.
"Lemme lead alright Bubba?" Leo says slightly annoyed while passing you. You groan and let him do his thing. As you guys nearer the west wing the wall dame tumbling down.
"Wassup turtles!" Bebop shouts. Mikey groaned and looked up at him. He stands up.
"Still workin that Mohawk? Good for you man." He says while pulling out his nunchucks.
"Why are you here?" Leo growls while getting up.
"Why do you think Leo!? To destroy us! LIKE I SAID!" You snap as Raph helps you up.
"We were Craving the turtle soup!" Rocksteady said while climbing farther into the lair. You go to kick him and he falls.
"Stay down hoe. I gotta prove a point to my brother!" You snap while getting into Leo's face.
"Now's not the time." He says while glaring at you.
"WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE?!" Everyone freezes as Splinter enters.
"Yo dawg it's the old rat!" Bebop says with laugh.
"Don't say that about my dad!" You go to kick him in the face but he grabs you and throws you into a wall.
"Y/N!" Raph shouts while charging at Bebop. Donnie and Mikey went at Rocksteady. Leo came to your aid with Splinter.
"It hurts Leo. Fuck. It hurts." You groan as you hold your dislocated shoulder.
"My daughter. I must put your shoulder back into place." Splinter says while grabbing your arm. You shake your head a lot. Leo holds you close.
"It has to be done Bubba. Just deep breaths." He says while hugging you. Splinter takes this moment to pop it in place. You wince and a tear slips down your face.
"Ahh so bra-WHAT THE-" Splinter was pulled away from you two by the tail. He was immediately tased then a dart was shot into him.
"DAD!" You and Leo shouts at the same time.
"Stay." Leo says while getting up to rush to Splinter's aid. You turn and see Raph losing to rocksteady. They were to cocky and lazy. They weren't ready. You slowly stand up while holding your arm. You grab an old cloth and make a sling. Inc shout finished that, you picked up your sword and charged at Rocksteady.
"Get away from my brother you over grown fat fuck!" You scream while hitting him hard in the chest. He stumbles but doesn't fall.
"Ah the little girl wants to play a game. This is quite the funny!" He says while coming at you. You easily avoided him by being slick. Sliding from side to side to avoid his attacks. Than Raph jumped into his back.
"Get outta here Y/N!" He shouts at you.
"No!" You scream back while beginning to throw rocks at Rocksteady.
"NO SPLINTER!" You turn your head to Leo's yelling. It can't be. There's no possible way. There Splinter was, dangling by the hands of no other.

"Shredder..." You whisper under your breath. Your brothers attention all went to him. But he didn't care. He held Splinter tight. You all went to charge at him but he through a down a blinding powder than he was gone. Bebop and Rocksteady followed. The lair was destroyed. Everything. You all laid on the ground.
"Splinter.." Mikey mumbles while continuing to wipe his eyes. Donnie limos to his first aid kit and grabs eye drops. He began to place them in your eyes.
"What's he gonna do..?" You ask Leo who's head is Down.
"We won't let them kill him." Raph growls.
"Shredder will not have that satisfaction." Leo whispers. You hug him.
"I'm scared. But I want to kill Shredder." You say lowly. Raph's eyes went wide and he smirked.
"We have too." Is all he says.

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