Bonding time with Raph

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Our firey boy in red comin up next.

So there you are, being held in the grasp of your older brother Rapheal. He is currently bench pressing you. About 20 minutes ago you challenged him that he couldn't do your weight (even though before you he was pressing 350 pounds but whatever). So here you are one hand holding your ankles while the other was between your shoulder blades.

"Think I couldn't have benched ya Pip Squeak?" He says with a chuckle.

"I had a feeling you could but you never did it before sooooo I challenged you." You say as he sets you back down.

"Wanna go beat some of those damn purple dragons?" He said while putting a toothpick in his mouth.

"I don't know... Leo said we need to stop going out every night just because of some purple dragons." You say shaking your head.

"Ah Pip Squeak. Fearless don't know what he's talking bout." Raph stood up and hovered over you.

"But he's older and-"

"You're either in or out." He says straight forward. You let out a sigh.

"I'll go put on my ass kicking outfittttttt. If Leo catches us he'll send us to the hashi." You warm while walking out.

"Fearless won't do nothin." Raph growled while following you out.

Time skip to after outfit change

"And you thought fearless would be mad at me? He ain't gonna approve of that

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"And you thought fearless would be mad at me? He ain't gonna approve of that." Raph says while looking at your outfit.

"I just bought it! Anyways we're sneaking out against Leo's orders anyways. This Outfit is the last thing he's gonna think about." You say with a smirk.

"Ya know I don't think I approve of ya wearing it." He says taking a step closer.

"Hold on lemme just...ahh where god put them." You check your pockets.

"What ya lookin for?"

"Just seeing if I can find any give a fucks." You say sarcastically while crossing your arms.

"That was clever. I'll let that one slide kid." Raph chuckles. You guys head to the 'garage' to get your bikes.

"Raph do we really need our bikes? We aren't running the dragons over. Just punching them aggressively." You say while putting a hand on your bike. He growls.

"Fine. Rooftops it is." And with that you both head out to the surface.

Another time skip

You guys were running along the rooftops letting the wind hit your face. You did some flips to show off some new tricks.

"Raph I have an idea." You say out the blue.

"Yea?" Raph turns to you.

"How bout you throw me off this building?" You say while looking over the edge.

"Wha-no? Leo would literally kill me. Don't wanna deal with that."

"But not like a light toss. Like an aggressive throw. Straight down. I wanna be able to say I got thrown off a building." You say with a psychotic smile.

"Are you an idiot? Let me rephrase that. You're an idiot. Now get your ass over. I see some purple dragons." You go towards his side and see them walking down an alley.

"Dibs on first hit." You climb down the fire escape and hop onto the ground. Raph just jumps down. You run towards the alley as Raph follows.

"Give us the money!" Hun yelled to an old lady. His dumb gang friends surround her.

"I-I dint have any!" She says terrified.

"Get her boys." Hun says while evilly smiling at her.

"Yea I don't know bout that!" You say loudly causing all heads too turn to you. The lady runs off screaming.

"You're welcome! Damn New Yorkers." You groan the last part. Raph soon jumps down on the other side of the alley. The PDs are trapped.

"You had dibs Pip Squeak." Raph says happily. You pout while taking out your sword.

"Bro not around the bad guysss. Say something cool! Not Pip Squeak." You charge at one of his men and do a sweep kick. He falls and Raph picks him up to throw him into a wall. You go for Hun as Raph takes out the others. You front flip over Hun and kick him in back. He stumbles forward.

"Alright Girlie. Let's dance." He growls.

"Mikey is still teaching me. So maybe another time." You respond sarcastically. You go to hit him with your blade but he blocks it with a gun.

"Nice try." He says with a smirk.

"Not done." You respond while kneeing him in the gut. You throw him over your shoulder and he lands harshly in the ground. You pull him up and punch him across the face. Finally you take the handle art of your sword and hit him in his 'area'. He collapses to the ground. Raph chuckles.

"Good one kid." He says while patting you on the back.

"I learned from the....second best." You say with a slut smirk. He growls and pushes you lightly as you laugh.

"I'll get ya back." He says also with a smirk.

"Gotta catch me first big bro!" And with that you make a run for it. You hear Raph chuckle.

"You're on!" And he chases after you.

'And I thought he was just an angry grump. This is fun!'  You think to yourself.

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