•Chapter 2•

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I wake up from a loud sound coming from the hallway. It's my sign to get up. It's every morning the same sound. I get irritated because of it.

I push away my blankets and get away from my warm and safe bed. I walk to the little bathroom that I have and make myself ready. Everyone has his own little bathroom. It's really small and it sucks but it's better than nothing.

I'm happy that we don't need to share a bathroom. That would be so awkward. I leave the bathroom when I'm finished and take some clothes out of my small closet. Everything is small here. The rooms are small too. Small rooms but a lot of rooms.

I take a jeans and a simple white shirt. I quickly put it on and take the jacket out of the bag next to my bed. I look at it again. It's a beautiful jacket.

I put it on and feel the soft fabric against my arms.

I put it on and feel the soft fabric against my arms

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I sigh and take the backpack from under my bed. I put it on my bed and open it up. I start putting my clothes into the backpack. It's the only thing I have. The only thing that I can take with me. Clothes.

I never asked for anything else. I once asked for an instax mini but I didn't get one from Eric. He didn't want me to have a camera and take pictures of things.

The others sometimes ask for some jewels, makeup, a basketball. Things like that are allowed. They got what they wanted but my camera wasn't allowed. Maybe because Eric thought that if we could ever escape the pictures would be proof but that wasn't why I wanted the camera.

I just wanted to take pictures of what I thought was beautiful.

When I finally finished packing I walk downstairs. I already hear the voices of the others. I walk into the living room. There is this big table and everyone is eating. Ella isn't here yet and Eric just came out of the kitchen.

He puts down some bread and walks into the kitchen again. I take a seat and take some food. "Okay! Start eating because we don't have a lot of time. I also went shopping for the last presents for you guys. I took Ella with me to choose them." Eric says when he walks out of the kitchen again.

Ella walks in too with her arms full of boxes. She gives everyone a box and takes a seat next to me. "I hope you guys like it!" she says loudly and she smiles widely.

I look at her and she looks at me. I smile weakly. I start opening up the box and hold my breath when I see what it is. "Oh my god! Thank you so much!!" I yell and I take out the baby blue instax mini.

 "Oh my god! Thank you so much!!" I yell and I take out the baby blue instax mini

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I look at it with big eyes. "but..why now?" I ask and I look at Ella. While looking at Ella, I see Eric standing behind her. "You guys are leaving this place. I don't care anymore. It's not my problem anymore," he says coldly and he walks away.

I look at Ella again. "He's a weird man" she whispers and I nod slowly. He surely is a weird man. Sometimes you would think he cares about us but he clearly doesn't.

I take my food and take a bite of it. "Put away those presents and eat because we're leaving soon" Eric yells so everyone would hear him. I start eating a little faster. It doesn't take long before Eric tells us to get up and go to the car.

We walk outside to the kind of little bus. We all need to fit into one car so yeah it's like a little bus. We put our bags in the car and we all get in. I only keep my camera with me because I don't want it to break or something. I don't think I will get a new one from my buyer. The car starts moving and we drive to I don't know where. We don't drive that long because after 10 minutes the car stops already.

"Okay when we get in you guys need to change, at least the girls will change clothes. The boys are looking good already so I don't think that will be necessary. They will also do your makeup because you all need to look amazing." Eric says and we all nod slowly. There is this sad tension in the air. We all lived together for a kind of a long time and now we're all leaving.

Maybe we won't even see each other anymore. Never.

Eric gets out of the car and we all follow him. We walk inside. It's a huge building. There is a really big room with a stage in the middle of it. It's like a catwalk. A woman with blond hair walks to us. She's wearing a dress and she walks on very very high heels.

There are some other girls behind her but they aren't looking as fancy as this blond girl. "Welcome! The others are already here. So this is where it's all going to happen. You guys are going to walk on this stage and the buyers are going to sit here." she explains and she points at the stage and all the seats around it.

"Eric, you can go to the other bosses. They are all over there," she says and she points with her finger to a place into the room with a lot of older men like Eric. They are all laughing and drinking champagne. I look at Eric who nods and walks away to the others.

"So my name is Anna and they are the people who are going to make you shine tonight!" she explains and she points at the other girls. "Follow us!" she yells suddenly what makes me jump a little.

We all follow them backstage. There are a lot of people here. They are all looking amazing already. Ella and the other girls are dragged away immediately. They get clothes into their hands and they need to change. A girl with brown hair walks to me and takes me to a chair. I sit down and the girl starts talking. "I'm just going to do your make up a little bit. We don't need to change a lot about you because you look great already" she says and she starts doing my makeup.

I try to look around while the girl does my makeup. I see a lot of people here. They are all wearing a number on their clothes. There are a lot of girls but there are a lot of boys too. I think we're even. It's weird. I would think that girls are more asked than boys.

"What do buyers want? Don't they always girls?" I ask out loud. I wasn't planning on asking it out loud but it just happened. She giggles slightly and shakes her head.

"A lot of buyers want a boy. They are stronger and they work harder. There are also buyers who fall in love with one of you but that don't happen a lot. We have straight buyers but also gay buyers so the girls are getting sold just as fast as the boys" she answers and I'm getting nervous.

They are all looking amazing.

I look at the boys. Most of them are also ready. My eyes meet with one of them. It's a blond guy and he looks at me with a smirk on his face. It scares me a little. I startle and the girl who's doing my makeup notices it.

"That's Benjamin," she says and she takes a pause before talking again. She isn't talking that loud so only I can hear her. "He's very confident.. or more arrogant. He thinks he's more worth than others here" she explains and I nod slowly.

He is looking good. I think a lot of buyers are going to want him.

I feel myself heating up. I'm getting nervous, more than before.

"You're ready honey." the girl says while looking at me. I look back at her and nod slowly.

"Th-thank you" I answer and I can't help but stutter. It's going to happen.


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