•Chapter 7•

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Jimin's P.O.V.:

The movie we were watching finished. We watched some random stuff and ordered pizza so the pizza will be here any minute.

Taehyung comes downstairs and Suga tells him about the pizza. Suga knew which pizza Taehyung wanted and he even knows which pizza Jungkook would like to eat. I have the feeling that they know each other for a while now.

I feel a little bit lost in the shuffle but I guess I just need to find my place here. Taehyung takes a seat in the single-seat again and sighs loudly what causes me to give him my full attention. He lays back against the seat and has his eyes closed.

His lips are different from earlier. It seems like they are a little swollen and this hair is messy like he just slept.

"You fixed it with Jungkook?" Suga says to break the silence. Only the TV was playing but nobody said anything. It wasn't awkward though because Suga and I were just watching some TV.

"Yeah, we're totally fine" Taehyung answers and a small smile finds his way on his lips. "I guess your lips don't lie," Suga says and I turn to see him smirking at Taehyung who looks up now and winks at Suga.

I feel confused so I just hold my hands higher so I almost fully disappear in the blankets. It's not like it's cold here but I just like blankets. My body feels really warm right now but I'm not sweating or anything because I wouldn't like that. I just keep the blankets because I like the heath but I don't like sweating. That's a little bit too much heat for me.

I hear footsteps on the stairs again but I don't look up this time because I know its Jungkook anyways. I hope he likes me but I don't think so after that little bit of hate I saw in his eyes earlier.

He passes the big couch with Suga and me on it and walks to the single-seat to put himself on Taehyung's lap. Taehyung immediately opens his eyes and puts his arms around Jungkook's body when he sees it's his 'Kookie'.

"I ordered some pizza. It will be here soon I think," Suga says to them and they nod. I focus myself on the TV again but I feel someone staring at me from out of the single seat. I'm pretty sure it's Jungkook but I try not to look back at him. I don't think he likes me at all so I'm just going to try to avoid him as much as I can.

"He really is pretty cute," I hear a voice say and that's when I decide to look up anyways. I see Jungkook talking to Taehyung but it's loud enough for me to hear and Suga can probably hear it too.

"Not as cute as you" Taehyung answers but Jungkook shakes it off.

"I doubt that" he answers and he looks at me. He gets a big smile on his face when he notices that I'm looking at me and he jumps up from where he's sitting on Taehyung's lap.

"Sorry I didn't really say hello to you earlier," he says and he puts his little ass next to mine on the couch. I shuffle a little bit further because he suddenly is a little bit too close for my liking but he just comes closer again.

I don't think he's really shy. "I'm Jungkook!" he says enthusiastically and he stretches his hand out. I look at it and shake it.

"Nice to meet you. I'm.." I say really slowly. I don't know why but I feel really shy suddenly and my brain isn't working like it has to. I'm not used to so many new people. I've lived with Eric for so long and we didn't meet a lot of people at all. I only know the people with who I was living.

"You're cute!" he finishes my sentence and he starts giggling when he sees my confused face. "I'm just joking around! You are cute though. You're Jimin, right?" he says fast and still really enthusiastically.

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