•Chapter 24•

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Yoongi's P.O.V.:

Jin arrived an hour ago and immediately started cooking after greeting us. He's been in the kitchen this whole time. Meanwhile, Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin and I are watching a movie. The movie is almost ending.

If I'm being honest I don't really know what the movie is about. I was too distracted with my head on Jimin's lap. He's cuddled in with some blankets again like he always is when we're watching tv and I decided to put my head on his lap.

I don't know if this was a smart idea because I couldn't do anything else than staring at him from where I'm lying. Also.. he has been playing with my hair the whole time and it drives me crazy. I love it when he plays with my hair.

His little fingers through my hair, over my skin with his fingertips. I just love it.

I look at Jin who just walked out of the kitchen with some plates. He puts them down and starts talking.

"Dinner is ready!" he says enthusiastically. Jungkook immediately gets up and runs to the table. He takes a seat and looks at the plate right in front of him with big eyes. Taehyung also gets up slowly and Jimin looks down to look at me.

He's still playing with my hair what causes me to stay where I am. "Let's go eat sir," he says softly and I nod before getting up too.

I take his hand, pull him up and take him with me to the table. "Wasn't your friend coming?" I ask Jin and he nods. "Yes he should be here any-" he starts but suddenly we all hear the doorbell.

"That's probably him. I'll get it" he says and he disappears to the door. I take my seat at the table. The food smells amazing.

We all sit down but wait until Jin and his friend are here too. We hear some voices and not much later he is standing in front of us. "This is Kai," Jin says and he points at the boy next to him. "Nice to meet you all," the boy says and he smiles.

We all greet him and he sits down next to Jin.

We all start eating and after a while, someone starts talking. "Why did you want us to meet Kai again?" Taehyung asks curiously. "Well, I think Jungkook and Jimin are going to like him. He's just like them" Jin says and he smiles.

"Oh okay. Well Jin your food is amazing again" Taehyung says again and Jin thanks him for the compliment. Tae is right, the food is amazing. I can cook too but I have no idea if my food is as good as this. I don't think so.

We all eat in silence. After finishing, Jin starts talking again. "I'll clean everything up here so Jungkook and Jimin are able to get to know Kai!" he says and Kai takes Jungkook and Jimin to the couch.

I look at Taeyhung while Jin starts cleaning everything up. "How did it work with Jimin this morning? Good, I assume by seeing you both asleep in each other's arms?" He asks and he looks at me too.

"Yeah, honestly it worked out amazing and I'm happy about that because our band is way better now" I explain and I see him nodding. "Yeah maybe you're right but you still need to play the boss because otherwise, he's going to think that he can do everything he wants," he says to me and I nod slowly.

He could be right and I know that I should look out with what I'm doing but it seems like Jimin isn't going to do anything that I don't want him to do. I don't think he's a bad boy. I even think he's a good boy. He listens most of the time perfectly at what I say to him.

I decide to change the subject and I start talking about something else. Taehyung and I talk about a lot. We've been best friends ever since I remember so that's must be a long time. Our parents were friends so yeah that's the reason.

After talking for a while we decide to look at what Jimin and Jungkook are doing. We walk to the couch to see them laughing with Kai.

I guess they really like that Kai dude because I never heard them laughing so much. Well, Jimin laughs a lot when he's hanging out with Jungkook but now he's laughing with Kai.

Why does he never laugh so hard when he's with me? Am I not funny enough? Maybe I'm too serious.

Taehyung and I both take place on the couch. Taehyung tries to get into the conversation but after failing a couple of times he gives up and puts the tv on. I also try focusing on the tv but it's pretty hard because I'm always listening to their conversations.

Kai tells a lot of stories about things that happened in his life. Suddenly Jimin gets up and walks upstairs. Not much later he comes back with his camera in his hand.

Wait, what? Already? Is he going to take a picture of Kai? Does he think that Kai is beautiful?

I don't like it when Jimin takes pictures of someone else. He also took a picture of Jungkook. He even took more pictures than one. Why doesn't he take more pictures of me? Doesn't he think I'm beautiful?

He walks to Kai again and asks him shyly if he could take a picture of him. Kai laughs and agrees. He does the same thing as he did with the first picture of Jungkook. Just when Kai asked him why, he told him and took a picture while Kai was smiling because of his answer.

Jimin seems to have a lot of fun with that Kai dude. Why doesn't Taehyung minds it?

I turn my head to look at Taehyung to see that he's already replaced. He's sitting on the place where Jungkook was sitting and Jungkook is sitting on his lap.

Right... Taehyung still gets all of Jungkook's attention because they are together and Jungkook loves Taehyung.

Only Jimin seems to give all his attention to Kai.

Luckily, Kai will be gone tonight.

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