•Chapter 14•

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Jimin's P.O.V.:

After taking that picture of Suga -and I admit that I also stared at him for a short while- I walk downstairs and meet Jungkook.

I don't know how that boy does it but he's always downstairs before I am. I smile at him and start talking. "Good morning," I say and he smiles back.

"How did your first night go?" He asks me but he doesn't look up from what he's doing.

I don't look at him either and start working too. Everything has to be ready before they come downstairs so they can start eating already.

"Nothing really happened. I went to bed immediately after you left" I answer while shrugging my shoulders even though I don't even know if he's looking at me.

'Your body looks amazing with clothes on so I don't think your naked body will disappoint me.'

I hear Suga's words in my head, repeating it over and over again. It made me so shy when he said that yesterday.

"It-it's very awkward though" I answer eventually, wanting to be honest with Jungkook. I feel like I can talk about everything with him. He's my friend.

"Oh, why?" He asks simply and I shrug my shoulders again. "Yeah, I mean. I don't know him well and now I'm sleeping with him in one bed. That's weird right?" I ask and I turn around to look at him.

"It's just still new. It will be okay" he answers and he also turns around to look at me. He walks closer to me and takes my hands in his. "He compliments me," I say and Jungkook looks at me with sparkles in his eyes.

"That's so awkward" I continue and he giggles but he immediately stops when we hear a voice.

"What's awkward?" the voice says and Jungkook and I turn around to look at the person.

Suga is standing there, leaning against the doorway with a smirk on his face. He looks at me, starting from my feet to my face again.

I feel the blood going to my face, probably making me look like a tomato. I look at my feet and start to stutter.

"Uhm... I.. we... I mean-" I start but Jungkook starts laughing while Suga gives me a confused face but I still see him smirk.

"Jimin is awkward," Jungkook says a little too loud for my liking. He says it between all his giggles and points at me with his finger. I roll my eyes to him but he doesn't stop laughing.

I look at Suga who is laughing too. I didn't really expect him to start laughing too. I also get a little smile on my face when seeing Suga and Jungkook smile like that. Suga keeps looking at me though.

He keeps smirking at me like he knows something and that kind of scares me. I smile awkwardly back at him and then we hear the fourth voice. "What's so funny? I also want to have fun!" the voice says and after a few seconds, we see Taehyung's head behind Suga.

Suga turns around and leans the other way to Taehyung can see us too. "Your giggling mess is kind of funny" Suga answers and he points at Jungkook next to me who looks at them with a big smile on his face.

"My kookie is a lot of things" Taehyung answers while walking into the kitchen to go the Jungkook before wrapping his arms around the younger's waist.

Taehyung gives Jungkook a big smirk and Jungkook starts blushing slightly.

"Okay let's eat because this is going to wrong way again," Suga says and he walks out of the kitchen. "I didn't even say anything wrong!" Taehyung yells back at him and he walks after Suga, letting go of Jungkook.

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