•Chapter 6•

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Jimin's P.O.V.:

We're at Suga and Taehyung's house. It's my home too now. Do you even call this a house? I would call it a villa or something. It's a huge building. This is where I will live for now and maybe forever. I'm even scared to get lost in this huge house, I'm not kidding.

It took Suga hours to show the whole house. He showed me every single room expect of Taehyung's room because Taehyung didn't want us to go in there. I don't feel like going in his room either way so I don't really care.

We just saw the last room so now we're walking back to the living room where we see Taehyung lying on the couch. "Sit down, I'll take something to drink. What do you want?" Suga says and he starts walking away already. "Just water is good," I say and Suga nods after looking at me for a short while.

"You want anything Taehyung?" Suga yells from out of the kitchen because he already went to the other room. "Give me some cola please!" He yells back.

I take a place on the couch far away from Taehyung because 1 he scares me a little bit and 2 this place was just close from where I was standing.

"Do you realize that Jimin is supposed to operate us and not you" he continues and he looks at me to give me a grin again. I immediately feel my blood streaming to my face.

He's right. I should be working for Suga and probably also for Taehyung.

"Taehyung stop teasing him. He'll start tomorrow. Just let him be, it's his first day." Suga says while walking out of the kitchen with 2 bottles of cola and a bottle of water. He gives me the water and throws one of the other two to Taehyung who catches it easily.

Taehyung opens it, drinks, and gets up from the couch to walk to the stairs. "Butter Cookie!" he yells suddenly what makes me frown. Butter cookie?

I try to ignore how weird that is and open up my bottle of water to drink from it. Taehyung comes back and takes a seat in the single-seat in front of me. It doesn't take long before I hear footsteps on the stairs what makes me turn to look who it is.

A boy with brown hair and brown eyes walks from the stairs and comes closer to us. He takes a seat on the armrest of the single seat. He looks at Taehyung with a big smile. That must be the guy that Taehyung bought. He's probably the fourth person who lives here.

"Baby this is Jimin, Jimin this is Jungkook also known as my property," Taehyung says and he puts his hand on Jungkook's thigh. I look at Jungkook to smile at him and greet him.

Jungkook looks back at me and for some reason, I see mixed emotions in his eyes. Sadness, confusion, fear and .. a little hate I guess. I shallow.

"You bought someone else?" Jungkook asks and he turns around to look at Taehyung again before I can even smile at him or say hi.

Taehyung's eyes are meeting Suga's ones who is just chill drinking some cola. A little smirk forms on Taehyung's face and it looks like he's planning on doing something.

He gets up and walks to me. He takes one of my cheeks between his fingers and squeezes my chubby cheeks which makes me uncomfortable and insecure at the same time. "Isn't he the cutest?" he asks and I'm a little shocked when hearing this. I didn't have the feeling that he even liked me a little so I didn't expect him to think I'm cute at all.

Jungkook jumps up from where he's sitting and walks closer to us. "Sure, whatever," he says and it looks like he wants to show that he doesn't feel hurt but I see his eyes getting watery. He shakes his head slightly, looks at the ground to hide his hurt face and runs upstairs again.

"Was that necessary?" Suga asks after we heard a door close loudly from upstairs. "I wasn't planning on doing it but honestly I couldn't resist it when I saw how jealous he was when he thought I bought Jimin" Taehyung explains and he smiles a little.

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