•Chapter 13•

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Jimin's P.O.V.:

I sigh loudly after placing the last stuff in Suga's wardrobe. Jungkook walks in too and looks at me with a pitiful look.

"It seems weird but it's totally nice to share a room with your owner," he says eventually after a short silence. "You see everything so bright. You seem to be so happy here" I say and he nods slightly.

"How is it with Taehyung now?" I ask, not sure if I should ask this. Maybe he doesn't want to talk about it. He shrugs his shoulders and looks at me. "I don't know" he answers softly. Now it's my time to look at him with a pitiful look.

"What exactly happened?" I ask, still confused about what the problem exactly is. "I just thought I meant more to Tae than I actually do I guess," he says and I see his face turning sad.

I feel so bad for him. "You want to mean something for him?" I ask and he nods immediately. "Of course. I want him to love me" He answers and his words are shocking for me.

"You want him to love you? Is this possible? Owners are bad people, aren't they?" I ask a little bit confused. "You think so?" he asks and he smiles slightly.

"They aren't or at least ours aren't. They are humans just like us. They think they eat and they drink to survive. They have feelings just like us, the only difference is that they are more powerful because of their money" he says and he smiles.

"They shouldn't have so much power. They are rich people but that doesn't mean they have the right to buy other people right?" I ask shocked about him defending our owners so badly.

"It isn't that bad-" he starts but that's just a little bit too much for me.

"THAT ISN'T BAD?!" I yell and that's when I realize I'm yelling. "I was taken away from my family Jungkook," I say softer and I see him walking closer to me. I feel my eyes burning and getting wetter than they were before.

I don't want to cry but if I think about the fact that I could have a normal life, I feel very sad. This isn't a normal life. I should be able to go to school, to make friends, to find the love of my life and to be happy with him or her.

"I'm sorry Jimin, I didn't know you were taken away from your family," Jungkook says and he takes me with him to Suga's bed. He sits down and pulls me on his lap.

"If Eric didn't take me away from my family, I would have a normal life now. I would go to school, make friends and be happy with the love of my life" I whisper and the tears are now rolling from my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry Jiminie. I feel so sorry for you" Jungkook whispers and he pulls my face closer to his. He leans his forehead against mine before wrapping his arms around me. I lean against him with my whole body what causes him to lean a little bit back too but he decides not to lay down on the bed fully.

I take my face out of his neck and look at him. "Wh-what about you? A-aren't you j-just like me?" I ask and I hate myself for stuttering. I feel like a little kid like this. I'm crying my eyes out in the arms of someone who's younger than me.

"No, I was just found. I don't have any family" he says and he smiles at me while pushing some hair away from my face. "I'm happy that my previous owner found me because I like my life with Taehyung more than I would like life on the streets" he explains and he giggles softly.

"I wish I was happy with this life like you are but I'm not," I say and I close my eyes again for a few seconds. "It's just because you're still new now. I wasn't happy either when I was here at first but now I am and you will be happy too" he says to me with his soft and sweet voice.

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