•Chapter 26•

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Yoongi's P.O.V.:

It's been days since the whole situation with Kai. He hasn't been around for a while now. I'm truly happy about that. I didn't like having him around.

Jimin and I are doing better. That's how I like it. But even though it's going better, it's still not what I want.

I wanted a connection with Jimin like Taehyung has with Jungkook. It needs time says Taehyung and I believe that. It took Taehyung kind of long before they got along this well.

I honestly didn't want this. I didn't want to buy anyone. It would change my whole life and that's true. It really does change your life. I did it so well. Every time that Taehyung would take me with him to buy someone I wouldn't give in.

I never found someone that I wanted to buy. I wasn't interested at all.

But suddenly an unknown boy took a picture of me and everything changed. I remember Taehyung telling me that there was a boy taking a picture of me. I remember walking up to him and talking to him.

His big eyes were looking at me and I saw a lot of fear. I wanted to know more about this unknown boy. I didn't want to let him go and never see him again.

When I saw that he was going to get sold... I was shocked. For the first time in my life, I wanted to buy someone. I just had to buy him. He needed to be mine

But after he left I pushed all those feelings aside and tried not putting my hand in the air to give more money than the previous idiot wanted to give.

When I saw the creeps that wanted him.. I just couldn't let that happen. Nobody else could have him.

And look at me now. I'm lying in my bed, awake as f*ck. I woke up and was staring at Jimin but suddenly the boy moved and now he's lying with his chest against mine and his face into my neck.

I can't fall asleep like this anymore. I can't sleep with him breathing against my neck like this. I can't concentrate on anything else than on this. His hot breath against my cold, pale skin.

It's been like this for a half-hour now. I don't get bored with this. I look to my bedside table to see that it's 8:29 am.

His alarm will go off in-

8:30 am.


I startle, even though I knew it would go off, and I quickly turn it off before he wakes up. I guess I was too late though because he moans softly what makes me freeze.

I just wanted to stay here with him lying on my chest. Suddenly his hand goes to his face and he goes over it softly.

I look down at him and see him opening his eyes. He blinks confused and looks up after a short while. His eyes get bigger when he sees me and he starts stuttering. "Oh I-I'm so s-sorry!" he says and he wants to pull back but I wrap my arms around him and hold him close to me.

"Don't apologize, I kind of like this" I answer and I keep looking at Jimin who's cheeks are getting a rosy color.

He doesn't answer and for a moment he closes his eyes again and he just stays where he is. He pushes his face in my neck again and takes a few deep breaths.

After a few minutes, he starts talking again. "I need to get up though because I need to go and help Jungkook with everything for breakfast," he says but I moan softly and shake my head.

I keep my eyes closed. "You don't need to do anything. I decide what you do" I answer and I feel him looking me even though my eyes are still closed. I feel his gaze on me. I like it.

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