•Chapter 23•

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Yoongi's P.O.V.:

I gave it a few days. I gave Jimin a few days. I let him do whatever he wanted to do. And with that, I mean that I didn't talk to him if it wasn't necessary. I let him talk and hang out with Jungkook as much as he wanted because he didn't want to hang out with me. That was clear.

I just took a step back and didn't ask too much of him. Of course, he still had to do stuff for me like he always has to do but I didn't ask anything more of him.

I gave him space.

But now we're are a few days later and I'm tired of this. I gave him enough time to get over it. That's what I decided. He had enough time.

I guess I just miss him and well... I need more of him now. I did say that he needs to sleep in our room again so he does sleep in one bed with me again but.. we don't touch each other. We don't cuddle, we don't talk and gosh.. we don't even look at each other and I'm so so tired of that.

So I have a plan. I told Taehyung about it and of course, he was totally against it but I decided to do it anyway. Jungkook also knows about it and he was very happy with it.

Jungkook has been very mean to me. He shouldn't have treated me like that but I forgave him and just let him be because I know that he only did it to protect and defend Jimin and I also know that Taeyhung already punished him for what he did.

Taehyung never let him do something like that without punishing him for that. I feel bad for the poor boy sometimes but I should treat Jimin the same way to get him as good as Jungkook is.

But right now I'm going to treat him as a king. Just now to make it up to him. I'm tired of not touching him, not talking to him and not looking at him.

I want to touch him, talk to him, look at him.. even stare at him. I'm just starving right now and I need to feed myself with an overdose Jimin.

It's now 8 am. Jungkook could be here any moment to get everything ready what means that Jimin is going to get up too.

I'm just ready making breakfast for two. Breakfast on the bed. Good idea right?

I look at the tray with all the food on it. I think that I have everything now. I'm a good cook so making something tasty wasn't hard for me. I take the tray and walk to the stairs where I meet Jungkook.

"Good morning Suga. Looks good. Good luck" he says when he crosses me. I smile and nod. "Thank you Jungkook," I say and I walk upstairs.

Jungkook is awake so that means that Jimin should get up any moment. I have to be fast before he got up already. I walk to our room and open the door. I get a smile on my face when I see that he's still sleeping peacefully.

I walk close to the door and walk to the bed. I put the tray on the bedside table and get into bed again.

My side of the bed isn't warm anymore but I feel Jimin's warmth when I come closer to him. I lay next to him and stare at his beautiful face. I go with my hand through his hair and start whispering.

"Jiminie.. Wake up" I whisper. I bring my face closer to his than actually necessary. He moans softly what makes me smile. I like that sound. He blinks a few times before opening his eyes and looking at me.

He immediately starts blushing. His eyes are getting bigger and he jumps up. I startle and give him some more space.

"Sh*t did I sleep too long?" He asks and I can hear the panic in his voice. "Shht Jiminie no... I just wanted to surprise you today and I wanted to do something for you today" I explain and I turn around to take the tray with the food on it. Jimin sits up straight and I put the tray on the bed.

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