•Chapter 21•

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Jungkook's P.O.V.:

I wake up from my phone that's vibrating underneath my pillow. It's my way to get up without waking up Taehyung.

I always have to wake up earlier than he has because I need to prepare everything with Jimin. I used to do it alone but now I have Jimin to help me.

I'm happy to have him here in the house. I'm also very curious about how it went yesterday. I open my eyes and quickly try to get used to the light that is shining through the window. Taehyung doesn't use the curtains because he loves waking up with the sun shining on his face.

I throw the blanket away and put the alarm on my phone off. I get up but feel a sharp pain in my ass. It does hurt but it reminds me of the amazing night I had with Taehyung last night. I quickly take some clothes and walk to the bathroom to make myself ready.

After cleaning myself and doing everything that I have to I walk back to the room and leave to walk downstairs after planting a little kiss on Taehyung's soft cheek.

I open the door of our room but fall on the ground immediately after that. I groan and turn to look at the ground. I frown when I see Jimin lying right in front of our door. I crawl a little closer.

His eyes are closed, he's sleeping peacefully but when you look closely you can see the tear streams on his cheek and his eyes that are thick and red from crying.

F*ck. It didn't end up good. I quickly get up again and take Jimin in my arms. I carry him downstairs and put him down on the couch.

I decide to wake him up softly. I shake him a little and start talking. "Jiminie.. Jiminie, wake up" I whisper but it's loud enough to wake him up because he opens his eyes.

"Jungkook..?" he asks and I nod. "What happened buddy?" I ask worriedly.

I look at him and see his eyes getting bigger. It seems like he suddenly remembers something or he suddenly knows something.

He jumps up and sits up straight.

Tears are in his eyes again and it doesn't take long before they are rolling over his cheeks. I sigh softly and take him in my arms.

"Tell me what happened," I say and I caress his back. I wipe his tears away and he starts telling me everything that happened last night.

He tells me everything he knows, including the little details and the painful moments.

I feel really bad for him. I would feel terrible if Taehyung would do something like that.

Jimin's P.O.V.:

After I told everything to Jungkook he started asking questions and trying to give me advice. "I would really be so mad if Taehyung would do that to me," he says but I shrug my shoulder.

"I can't be mad at him. We aren't in a relationship or anything like that. He is my owner and he is my boss. He can do what he wants" I say to him and he looks at me with a thoughtful look.

"Don't you want to be more than just owner and property?" he asks eventually and I have to think about that. Do I want to be more?

I don't know about that. I like him but do I like him in that way?

"I don't know if I like him that way. I like him because sometimes he's very sweet to me and he bought me so I'm happy that it's him and not someone else but I don't know if I care more about him than that" I answer and he nods.

"You really love Taehyung?" I ask. I know that I asked things like this before but I still have a hard time believing that he really loves Taehyung. I mean Taehyung and Suga are just using us as a slave right?

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