•Chapter 12•

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Yoongi's P.O.V.:

"It's been more than a week now."

"I know that you idiot. No need to tell me," I answer and I look at Taehyung to roll my eyes at him.

"You still don't even share a bedroom with him,"

"I know that too!" I yell at him and I throw a pillow at him.

I'm lying on my bed and Taehyung is standing a little further. He catches the pillow and walks closer, taking a seat on my bed and putting the pillow back where it was.

"You know but you don't do anything about it. How is he when you're with him?" He asks and he gives me a curious look. I look at him. I'm not sure about what to answer.

"He's sweet. He doesn't say anything wrong but he's clearly still scared of me" I say eventually and I think about it.

"Like really scared. He's shaking all the time and I guess he's just super scared to do anything wrong when he's with me. Also, I think he wants to be worth the money that I spend to buy him from Bret" I say to Taehyung because that's literally what's in my head.

"Well, you did spend a lot of money on him. I still don't understand you by the way. I never asked you questions but I have a lot of questions about that day" Taehyung says and I immediately regret what I said. I don't feel like answering any of his questions.

"You never wanted to buy someone and suddenly you spend a lot of money to have this boy whose super shy" he continues and he looks at me with a confused face.

"Why is he so special?" He asks eventually.

"I don't know" I just answer and I shrug my shoulders.

"You don't know? You spend 23 million on him but you don't know why?" Taehyung asks confused. I see him smirking though. He's trying to hide his big grin.

"How much did you give for Jungkook uh?" I ask and I grin too. Turning around the tables for a second.

"25 million but he was very young and a lot of people wanted him,"

"Why did you spend so much money? Why did you want Jungkook so badly?" I ask him curiously. I want to see if his situation was different from mine.

"I mean.. look at him. Maybe I liked him from the first time that I saw him" he says and he blushes a bit. He takes a pillow and tries to hide his face a little.

"Love at first sight uh?"

"No! I'm not in love! I never fell in love before and I never will!" Taehyung yells and I look at him in shock because of his sudden reaction.

Suddenly we hear a sound from the other side of the room. I look up and frown.

Taehyung's eyes are suddenly getting bigger and he jumps up to run at the door. I quickly jump up too and run after him.

"Kookie? Where are you going?!" Taehyung yells. I see Jungkook running away.

"What happened?" Taehyung asks, clearly frustrated. Jimin, who is standing here with a plate with cookies on it, looks up at Taehyung.

"We just wanted to bring some cookies we made with Jin" he starts but Taehyung doesn't let him tell the rest.

He runs away while swearing softly. He leaves me alone with Jimin who is looking at his feet.

"Are they good?" I ask and I grin a little when he looks up at me. He smiles slightly. "I hope so" There is still something bothering him though because I can see it but I decide to ignore it.

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